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Disability Issues Advisory Committee

Terms Of Reference

The Disability Issues Advisory Committee shall:

Present issues and priorities affecting citizens and employees with disabilities to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer.

Work with City Councillors and City of Ottawa staff to promote the awareness of issues and concerns of citizens and employees with disabilities.

Work with the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the content of submissions to Council which affect, or potentially affect, citizens and employees with disabilities.

Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the City's policies and practises as they affect citizens and employees with disabilities.

Make recommendations to the City to provide services to citizens and employees with disabilities which assist them in leading an independent and productive life.

Monitor progress of development and implementation of by-laws and regulations which have an impact on citizens and employees with disabilities (e.g. parking, zoning, sidewalk ramping, obstructions on sidewalks, etc.) and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Monitor accessibility to the City's programs and services, as well as the degree to which information about them is available in accessible formats (e.g. large print or audio cassette) and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Tour and evaluate City of Ottawa facilities within a year after acceptance, or at the start of operation, to identify problem areas and advise or make recommendations to City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Review drawings of new municipal buildings and/or changes to existing buildings during the design and design development stages and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Consult and actively collaborate with the Human Rights and Employment Equity Division of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the development of the Corporate Barrier-Free Policy and a subsequent Implementation Strategy.

Monitor, through the receipt of an annual report, the distribution of funds which were approved by City Council for employment related technical aids and workplace modifications and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Monitor, through the receipt of an annual progress report, the awarding of scholarships to students with disabilities and grants to organizations of and for persons with disabilities and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Make recommendations regarding special housing needs for persons with disabilities and advise involved City Staff and/or Council as appropriate.

Coordinate the dissemination of information to the community of persons with disabilities and the public at large regarding Council's decisions and the existence and role of the Advisory Committee.

Lead Department

Contact: Michael Smith, Manager, Human Rights and
Employment Equity Division
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
244-5300, ext. 4084


Total Membership - 11 - (Term is 3 years)

10 residents of the City of Ottawa - at least 50% of whom are persons with disabilities
1 Member from the Disabled Persons' Community Resources

  • (The advisory committee has the option to include a non-voting member of Council)

Current Members:

Barry McMahon, Chairperson
Bob Brown
Jennifer-Ann Eastham
J. Leonard Grace
William F. Harrington
Nicole Hudson
Tom Parker
Darlene Stevens
Surat Turcot
Keenan G. Wellar

Non-voting Members:

Councillor Karin Howard


Every third Thursday of the month at 12:30 p.m., in the Fuller Room, City Hall.



Committee Assistant

Brenda Emond, 244-5300 -1- 3541

Reports To

Planning and Economic Development Committee

Membership Recommended By

Planning and Economic Development Committee

To Agenda