Regional Council

27 October 1999

Haydon Hall

1:30 p.m.

draft agenda



A. National Anthem


B. Prayer


C. Roll Call


D. Announcements/Ceremonial Activities


E. Confirmation of Minutes

Confirmation of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of 13 October 1999.


F. Declarations of Interest Arising From Prior Meetings of Council and Committees




Simultaneous translation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the attendant at reception. L’interprétation simultanée de ces délibérations est offerte. Veuillez parler au préposé à l’accueil.

G. Communications

Issued separately.




H. Regrets

The following members of Council advising that they will be absent from Council and Committee meetings during the dates indicated:

No regrets filed to date.


I. Motion to Introduce Committee Reports

Planning and Environment Committee Report Nos. 44 and 45 {in camera}


J. Motion to Adopt Committee Reports


K. Motion to Introduce By-laws Three Readings

1. Being a by-law to approve area municipality by-laws (regulating traffic on local streets as follows):

City of Gloucester 227 of 1999

City of Gloucester 233 of 1999

City of Vanier 33-99

Township of West Carleton 51 of 1999


L. Motions (Of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given)

Moved By Councillor M. McGoldrick-Larsen

Seconded by Councillor A. Loney

WHEREAS READY 2000, the Regional Emergency Advisory Directorate on Year 2000, is a private-public partnership working together sharing information and solutions so that our communities can continue to have safe, reliable service through January 1, 2000 and beyond;

AND WHEREAS READY 2000 consists of essential and emergency providers, area municipalities, local utilities and agencies and organizations that have developed a region-wide YEAR 2000 emergency plan by sharing and exchanging information, co-ordinating messages to citizens, sharing contingency plans and assisting and co-ordinating action plans;

AND WHEREAS little or no service disruption is expected because of the steps we are taking, however, as a precaution, emergency preparedness plans are being developed;

AND WHEREAS the Region of Ottawa-Carleton wishes to encourage citizens to take steps to prepare prudent emergency plans for their families and their businesses as a precaution and to encourage residents to help others on a neighbourhood basis to cope with their situations;

AND WHEREAS READY 2000 is hosting READY 2000 days focusing on individual and family preparedness through three community forums on 2 November at Gloucester High School, 9 November at St. Pius High School and 16 November at Bell High School;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Region of Ottawa-Carleton endorse the messages of READY 2000 to Be Ready and to Be Safe.



Moved by Councillor M. Meilleur

Seconded by Councillor C. Doucet

WHEREAS RMOC staff were directed to continue participation in the appeal of the City of Ottawa’s zoning by-law to protect the Regional interest in ensuring the implementation of the Regional Official Plan, with particular respect to Item # 1 of the CCOC appeal, to the Ontario Municipal Board; and

WHEREAS this motion, carried at Council on July 14th, 1999, is ambiguous in its direction to staff and unclear in its definition of continued participation by the Region; and

WHEREAS there had been extensive public participation in the development of these provisions of the by-law at the City of Ottawa level, particularly by the three affected communities of Hintonburg, Dalhousie and Sandy Hill; and

WHEREAS public participation in this matter at the Regional level was thwarted, allowing no opportunity for residents of these communities to speak to this matter affecting them;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Commissioner’s delegated authority pertaining to financial expenditures for continued participation in this matter be removed and referred back to Planning and Environment Committee to allow for approval and full public participation and discussion.


M. Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Next Regular Council Meeting)


N. Confirmation By-law


O. Inquiries


P. Adjournment





Members of Council are advised that a meeting of the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Transit Commission will commence immediately upon adjournment of the Council meeting on 27 October 1999.