Regional Council

27 September 2000

Haydon Hall

1:30 p.m.


draft agenda




A.      Prayer



B.      Roll Call



C.      Announcements/Ceremonial Activities



D.      Confirmation of Minutes

            Confirmation of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of 13 September 2000.



E.      Declarations of Interest Arising From Prior Meetings of Council and Committees



F.      Communications


            Issued separately.






Simultaneous translation of these proceedings is available.  Please speak to the attendant at reception.  L’interprétation simultanée de ces délibérations est offerte.  Veuillez parler au préposé à l’accueil.

G.      Regrets


            The following member of Council advising that she will be absent from Council and Committee meetings during the dates indicated:


            Councillor W. Byrne                                         25-29 September, 2000


H.      Motion to Introduce Committee Reports


Corporate Services And Economic Development Committee Report Nos. 75 and 76 {in camera}


            Planning and Environment Committee Report No. 64


            Transportation Committee Report No. 69



I.       Motion to Adopt Committee Reports



J.       Motion to Introduce By-laws                                          Three Readings


1.         Being a By-law to approve area municipality by-laws (regulating traffic on local streets as follows):


                                    City of Gloucester                  150-2000

                                    City of Nepean                       083-2000


2.         Being a By-law to rename the old alignment of Regional Road 25 (Stagecoach Road), (north of Dalmeny Road (Regional Road 4), in the Township of Osgoode, “OLD STAGECOACH ROAD”)


3.         Being a By-law to authorize the levy of sums required for the repayment of debenture number 2000-09 (issued in the amount of $40,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile drainage works in The Corporation of the City of Cumberland and The Corporation of the Township of Osgoode.)


K.      Motions (Of Which Notice Has Been Previously Given)


            Moved by Councillor B. Hill

            Seconded by Councillor D. Beamish


WHEREAS, a cheque has been issued to the Glebe Parents Child Care in the amount of $10,000.00 to assist them in their legal challenge of the Province of Ontario’s policy on RRSP and child care subsidies; and


WHEREAS, Regional Council did not authorize this payment;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Region request that the funds be returned to the Region; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT no further payments be made for this purpose or any related purpose without the specific approval of Regional Council and staff report back to Council on the result of Council’s direction.



L.      Notices of Motion (For Consideration at Next Regular Council Meeting)



M.     Confirmation By-law



N.      Inquiries



O.      Adjournment




Members of Council are advised that a meeting of the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Transit Commission will commence immediately upon adjournment of the council meeting on 27 September 2000.