Report to/Rapport au :


Audit Sub-Committee

Sous-comité de la vérification

and Council / et au Conseil


1 September 2011 / le 1 septembre 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Alain Lalonde, Auditor General/Vérificateur général  


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Alain Lalonde, Auditor General

(613) 580-2424 x14226,


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2011-OAG-BVG-0004












1.         That the Audit Sub-Committee receive the 2010 Annual Report and detailed audit reports from the OAG on September 8, 2011, and refer them to the appropriate Standing Committees to hear public delegations, as follows:


September 15, 2011 - Community and Protective Services Committee:

·         Audit of the Nepean Sailing Club Agreement

·         Audit of the Sugarbush (Action Vanier) Agreements

·         Audit of the City’s Role regarding a Canada Day Event


September 19, 2011 - IT Sub-Committee:

·         Audit of Internet and Email Usage Policies and Procedures


October 4, 2011 - Finance and Economic Development Committee:

·         Audit of the Use of City Vehicles and Mileage Claims

·         Audit of the City’s Management of a Loan Agreement

·         Audit of Selected Grant Recipients – Signed Agreements and Audit Clauses

·         Audit of the Revenue Branch

·         Audit of a Staffing Process - Children’s Services Branch

·         Determination of Sampling Requirements for Audits of Payroll Accuracy

·         Audit of Compressed Work Week Agreements

·         Audit of the City's Operating Relationship with the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI)


for subsequent consideration and approval of the audit recommendations by Council at its meeting of October 12, 2011.


2.         That the Audit Sub-Committee recommend that Council consider the following reports in camera, based on Section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001 “litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board”:

      - Audit of the Glen Cairn Flooding and the Development Review Processes within the Carp Watershed; and,

      - Audit of the Mackenzie King Bridge Rehabilitation.


3.         That the Audit Sub-Committee recommend that Council consider and approve the audit recommendations and refer all recommendations where management is in disagreement to the Audit Sub-Committee or other Standing Committee as directed by Council.





1.         Que le Sous-comité de la vérification reçoive le Rapport annuel et les Rapports de vérification détaillés 2010 du BVG le 8 septembre 2011, pour soumette les rapports aux Comités permanents pertinents pour entendre les délégations du public, comme suit :


Le 15 septembre 2011  – Comité des services communautaires et de protection :

·         Vérification de l’accord du Nepean Sailing Club

·         Vérification des ententes de la cabane à sucre (Action Vanier)

·         Vérification du rôle de la Ville concernant une activité de la fête du Canada


Le 19 septembre 19 2011 – Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information :

·         Vérification des politiques et des procédures concernant l’utilisation des services d’Internet et du courriel


Le 4 octobre 2011 -  Comité des finances et du développement économique :

·         Vérification de l’utilisation des véhicules municipaux et des demandes de remboursement de frais de kilométrage

·         Vérification de la gestion d’un contrat de prêt par la Ville

·         Vérification d’une sélection des bénéficiaires de subventions – Accords signés et clauses de vérification

·         Vérification de la Direction des recettes

·         Vérification d’un processus de dotation en personnel –  Direction des services à l’enfance Détermination des exigences d’échantillonnage pour les vérifications de la précision de la paie

·         Vérification des ententes de semaine de travail comprimée

·         Vérification des relations opérationnelles de la Ville avec le Centre de recherche et d’innovation d’Ottawa (OCRI)


et pour examen et approbation subséquents des recommandations des vérifications par le Conseil municipal à sa réunion du 12 octobre 2011.


2.         Que le Sous-comité de la vérification recommande au Conseil d’examiner les rapports suivants à huis clos en vertu de l’alinéa 239(2)(e) de la Loi de 2011 sur les municipalités portant sur « les litiges actuels ou éventuels, y compris les questions dont les tribunaux administratifs sont saisis, ayant une incidence sur la municipalité ou le conseil local » :

      - Vérification portant sur l’inondation à Glen Cairn et sur les processus d’examen des projets d’aménagement dans le bassin hydrographique de la rivière Carp

      - Vérification de la réfection du pont Mackenzie King.


3.         Que le Sous-comité de la vérification recommande au Conseil municipal d’examiner et d'approuver les recommandations des vérifications et qu’il soumette toutes celles avec lesquelles la direction n’est pas d’accord au Sous-comité de la vérification ou à un autre comité permanent tel qu’enjoint par le Conseil municipal.





The OAG’s 2010 audit work plan was included in the 2009 Annual Report tabled with Council on June 23, 2010.  The 2010 audit plan consisted of new projects in addition to conducting a follow-up of previously completed audits from 2005-2008.  The 2010 Annual Report contains the following reports:

1.         Audit of the Use of City Vehicles and Mileage Claims;

2.         Audit of Selected Grant Recipients – Signed Agreements and Audit Clauses;

3.         Audit of the Nepean Sailing Club Agreement;

4.         Audit of the Sugarbush (Action Vanier) Agreements;

5.         Audit of the Revenue Branch;

6.         Audit of a Staffing Process - Children’s Services Branch;

7.         Audit of the City’s Management of a Loan Agreement;

8.         Audit of the City’s Role regarding a Canada Day Event;

9.         Audit of Internet and Email Usage Policies and Procedures;

10.       Audit of the Mackenzie King Bridge Rehabilitation (presented in camera);

11.       Determination of Sampling Requirements for Audits of Payroll Accuracy;

12.       Audit of Compressed Work Week Agreements;

13.       Audit of the City's Operating Relationship with the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI); and,

14.       Audit of the Glen Cairn Flooding and the Development Review Processes within the Carp Watershed (presented in camera).



1.         Follow-up to the 2005 Audit of Internet Usage and Controls;

2.         Follow-up to the 2005 Audit of Drinking Water Services;

3.         Follow-up to the 2006 Audit of the Wastewater and Drainage Services Division;

4.         Follow-up to the 2006 Audit of the Food Safety Program;

5.         Follow-up to the 2007 Audit of 2006 and 2007 Compensation Budgets;

6.         Follow-up to the 2007 Audit of the Carp River Watershed Study and Related Projects;

7.         Follow-up to the 2007 Audit of Parks and Recreation Branch;

8.         Follow-up to the 2007 Audit of Parks and Recreation Financial Management and Revenue Processes;

9.         Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the Children's Services Division;

10.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the Assessment and Monitoring of Eligibility for Social Housing Subsidies;

11.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of Information Technology Capital Expenditures and Project Approval Process;

12.       Follow-up to 2008 Audit of the Long Term Care Branch;

13.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the Ottawa Paramedic Service;

14.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of Building Code Services Process for 215 Preston Street;

15.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of Hospitality and Other Ethical Matters;

16.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the Parking Function;

17.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of Sick Leave Management;

18.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of Traffic Operations Division;

19.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the City of Ottawa Water Rate;

20.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the 2006 Sewage Spill;

21.       Follow-up to the 2008 Audit of the Governance and Compliance with the Access Management Agreement of the Southpointe Community Association; and,

22.       Follow up to the 2008 Audit of the Governance and Compliance with the Community Funding Service Agreement of the Banff Avenue Community House.


Two 2010 audits have already been presented to Council and are included in this Annual Report document:

1.         Audit of the Lansdowne Park Proposal (LPP) Financial Model; and,

2.         Audit of the Procurement Process for the SmartBus Next Stop Announcement System and the SmartCard System.





In accordance with the protocol approved by Council for the Office of the Auditor General on April 13, 2011, the reports are being tabled today for transmittal to the appropriate Standing Committee to hear public delegations, and subsequently to be forwarded to Council.


The City Solicitor has requested that the Audit of the Glen Cairn Flooding and the Development Review Processes within the Carp Watershed; and, the Audit of the Mackenzie King Bridge Rehabilitation go in camera, based on Section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, being “litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board”.


The sixth Annual Report of the OAG summarizes the activities of the OAG during 2010, including the report on the Fraud and Waste Hotline. Included is a summary of the results of all audits completed during 2010 along with the management responses to all recommendations. 

The Annual Report document contains an executive summary for each audit and follow-up completed in 2010.  The detailed audit and follow-up reports are not provided in hard copy, but are available on the OAG Web site at



Any financial implications of the OAG’s recommendations are outlined in the detailed reports.  Management have also identified financial implications in their responses to specific recommendations.





The following reports will be issued separately to Members of Council and will be on file with the City Clerk:

            Office of the Auditor General 2010 Annual Report (English/French)

            The detailed audit reports (will also be available on the Auditor General’s Wed site at






The audit reports will be referred to the appropriate Standing Committee, and for subsequent consideration and approval of the audit recommendations by Council on October 12, 2011.