Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Board Conseil du musée-village du patrimoine de Cumberland MINUTES 25 / PROCÈS-VERBAL 25 Monday, 26 April 2010 – 7:30 p.m. le lundi 26 avril 2010 – 19 h 30 Orléans Client Service Centre Centre du service à la clientèle d’Orléans 255, boul. Centrum Blvd. - Room / salle 340 Present / Présents : R. Thomas (Chair / Président), A. Dessaint (Vice-Chair / Vice-président), A. Jellett, J. Larsen, S. Lemieux, L. O’Byrne Regrets / Excuses: J. Aquilina, T. Krywulak Councillor R. Jellett (non-voting) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT No declarations of interest were filed. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DU PROCÈS-VERBAL Minutes 24 of Monday, 29 March 2010 were confirmed. ITEMS OF BUSINESS POINTS À L’ORDRE DU JOUR 1. 2010 HERITAGE POWER AND COUNTRY FESTIVAL: STATUS UPDATE PATRIMOINE DE L’ÉNERGIE ET FESTIVAL COUNTRY DE 2010 : RAPPORT DE SITUATION Gord Kerluke, Secretary, Cumberland Lions Club provided a brief update, noting that the new organizational structure put in place for this year’s event is proving much more efficient and planning, which is now in its last phase, is proceeding well. He anticipated all targets and objectives would be met, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, an increase in attendance. He informed of the two grants obtained to date (Canadian Heritage and Heritage Project Funding) and that the rural grant is pending. He reminded members that the grants are to be used for the purposes of improvements to the event and not for offsetting unforeseen costs. Laura Peters, Acting Portfolio Manager, Museums and Heritage Programs and Co-Chair of the event concurred that all is progressing smoothly. 2. CUMBERLAND HERITAGE VILLAGE MUSEUM ANNUAL REPORT SUMMARY RÉSUMÉ DU RAPPORT ANNUEL DU MUSÉE-VILLAGE DU PATRIMOINE DE CUMBERLAND Suzanne Lavoie, Museum Administrator provided an overview of the documents tabled at the Board’s February 22, 2010 meeting. She provided statistics on 2009 collections, research projects, programming and events, partnerships, exhibits and developments, accessibility and workplace improvements, visitor attendance and service indicators. Members were appreciative of the increased attendance rate but also expressed concern about whether the increased level of events and programming would be sustainable within current resources. Debbie Hill, Manager, Cultural and Heritage Services confirmed that staff could review the annual report for 2010 at the end of the year to evaluate. 3. UPDATE ON RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION OF CUMBERLAND MUSEUM ASSETS LE POINT CONCERNANT LES RECOMMANDATIONS SUR LA CONSERVATION ET LA PRÉSERVATION DES BIENS DU MUSÉE DE CUMBERLAND Laura Peters, Acting Portfolio Manager, Museums and Heritage Programs informed that David Flemming, Heritage Consulting and Research has been hired to help staff in assessing and devising a preservation and conservation strategy for the Museum’s built heritage. His study will include stakeholder consultation. The final report is expected by September 30th. Action: Staff to circulate to Members the Terms of Reference for this project. 4. CUMBERLAND MUSEUM DEVELOPMENT PLAN : REVISED TEXT FOR REVIEW, AND STAFF PROPOSAL ON PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND NEXT STEPS PLAN DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DU MUSÉE DE CUMBERLAND : TEXTE RÉVISÉ POUR EXAMEN, ET PROPOSITION DU PERSONNEL CONCERNANT LA CONSULTATION PUBLIQUE ET LES PROCHAINES ÉTAPES Members reviewed the final version of Lord Cultural Resources’ Plan, particularly the Executive Summary and Next Steps sections that were added per the Board’s request at its previous meeting. They accepted the Plan in principle with the exception of a few statements and recommendations, primarily in the areas of building and agricultural acquisitions and storage and restoration facilities. Action 1: The Coordinator will collaborate with Debbie Hill, Manager of Cultural and Heritage Services to capture the comments and changes agreed upon by the Board and will circulate them to members for final input. Once final input has been received, staff will work together to formulate a go-forward format for public consultation, which will be approved at the Board’s May 31st meeting. Action 2: The Chair and/or Vice-chair will meet with Ms. Hill and Dan Chenier, General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services to discuss the status of solutions for water issues at the museum and will determine whether Museums Sustainability Funding should be used to address the problem. Action 3: Member Jellett will discuss timelines for public consultation with Councillor Jellett. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS > Debbie Hill, Manager of Cultural and Heritage Services provided a status update on the Cumberland History Book, noting the Cumberland Historical Society is anticipating the launch may be pushed to December. She requested that at its May meeting, the Board reconfirm its 2003 motion that 15 % of the proceeds of the book go to the Cumberland Historical Society. Chair Thomas strongly encouraged, on behalf of the Board, that efforts be made to launch the book before December. > Laura Peters, Acting Portfolio Manager, Museums and Heritage Programs advised staff would bring forward the listing of Museums Sustainability Plan related projects at the Board’s May meeting and request the Board’s input with respect to prioritization ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ____________________________ ___________________________________ Board Coordinator Chair CUMBERLAND HERITAGE VILLAGE MUSEUM BOARD MINUTES 25 26 APRIL 2010 4 CONSEIL DU MUSÉE-VILLAGE DU PATRIMOINE DE CUMBERLAND PROCÈS-VERBAL 25 LE 26 AVRIL 2010