3.       zONING - 335 Michael Cowpland Drive

zONAGE - 335, Promenade michael cowpland



Committee recommendation


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 335 Michael Cowpland Drive from Light Industrial, Select, M1A to M1A-2 Light Industrial Select, - Exception, M1A-2, to permit a private school and day nursery as shown in Document 1.



Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage du 335, promenade Michael Cowpland d’industrie légère spéciale, M1A, à M1A-2, industrie légère spéciale assortie d’une exception, afin de permettre l’aménagement d’une école privée et d’une garderie, comme il est indiqué dans le document 1.



For the information of council


Committee Chair Hume read a statement required under the Planning Act, wherein he advised that anyone who intends to appeal this proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), must either voice their objections at the public meeting, or submit their comments in writing prior to the amendment being adopted by City Council. Failure to do so could result in refusal/dismissal of the appeal by the OMB.  No delegations were present.


Pour la gouverne du Conseil


Le conseiller Hume, président du Comité, a lu un énoncé en vertu de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire, stipulant que quiconque souhaite interjeter appel auprès de la Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario (CAMO) de la modification proposée au Règlement de zonage doit exprimer ses objections à la réunion publique ou soumettre ses commentaires par écrit avant que la modification ne soit adoptée par le Conseil municipal, faute de quoi son appel pourrait être rejeté par la CAMO. Aucune délégation n’était présente.





1.         Deputy City Manager's report (Planning and Growth Management) dated
3 January 2006 (ACS2006-PGM-APR-0033).

Report to/Rapport au:


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


03 January 2006 / le 03 janvier 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par :  Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager /

Directeur municipal adjoint

Planning and Growth Management / Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance  


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire

Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424 x13242, Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Kanata (4)

Ref N°: ACS2006-PGM-APR-0033




ZONING - 335 Michael Cowpland Drive

(FILE NO. D02-02-05-0141)




ZONAGE - 335, promenade michael cowpland





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 335 Michael Cowpland Drive from Light Industrial, Select, M1A to M1A-2 Light Industrial Select, - Exception, M1A-2, to permit a private school and day nursery as shown in Document 1.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage du 335, promenade Michael Cowpland d’industrie légère spéciale, M1A, à M1A-2, industrie légère spéciale assortie d’une exception, afin de permettre l’aménagement d’une école privée et d’une garderie, comme il est indiqué dans le document 1





The subject site is located on the northwest side of Michael Cowpland Drive, northeast of the Terry Fox Extension and southwest of Eagleson Road. The subject parcel has a frontage of 49.33m, depth of 127.59m and is 0.817 ha in area. The site is currently undeveloped vacant land within the Kanata South Business Park, and is zoned M1A (Light Industrial Select).


Surrounding land uses are light industrial to the south and east, a recreational pathway and residential to the north, and immediately adjacent to the west is an existing private school subject to M1A-2 zoning.





The lands are designated "Enterprise Area" by the City Council Approved Official Plan. These policies encourage uses that provide products and services to the city's office and commercial sectors. Complementary non-industrial uses are encouraged to meet the daily needs of employees and clients.


The Former Regional Official Plan designates the lands as "Business Park". The relevant policies permit non-residential uses such as retail, office, small scale institutional and recreation uses. As a small scale institutional use, the "Day Nursery" and "Private School” uses conform with Official Plan Policies.


The land use designation of the former City of Kanata Official Plan is "Restricted Industrial". The policies permit prestige industrial uses, as well as accessory commercial uses that serve the business area. Recreational, social and cultural uses may also be permitted. The proposed use conforms to the former City of Kanata Official Plan.


A previous Zoning By-law amendment was enacted to permit a private school and day nursery on the abutting property at 355 Michael Cowpland Drive. The site was rezoned to "Light Industrial, Select-Exception" (M1A-2). The proposed Zoning By-law amendment would rezone the subject site from "Light Industrial, Select" (M1A) to "Light Industrial, Select- Exception (M1A-2), making the zoning of this parcel consistent with that of the adjacent property at 355 Michael Cowpland Drive.


The proposed zoning permits all uses in the "M1A" zone, and adds a "Day Nursery" and "Private School" as additionally permitted uses. Both new land uses are currently defined within the Zoning By-law.


The requested amendment is considered an appropriate use for the site, since the existing day nursery and school have proved to be compatible with the Kanata South Business Park. The school offers a service to nearby employees and residents of the surrounding communities, and has no detrimental impact on the surrounding industrial development. The proposal would be subject to Site Plan Control approval, at which time details of site layout, grading, servicing and landscaping would be determined.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.










This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-Law Amendment applications.





Document 1      Location Map for Zoning Amendment

Document 2      Explanatory Note





Corporate Services Department, City Clerk's Branch to notify the owner (Northern Lights Educational Services Corporation, 1160 Maitland Ave., Ottawa ON, K2C 2C2), applicant (Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd., 240 Michael Cowpland Drive, Suite 200, Ottawa ON  K2M 1P6), Signs.ca, 866 Campbell Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2A 2C5 and Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.


Document 1


LOCATION MAP                                                                                                                           



Document 2


EXPLANATORY NOTE                                                                                                                




By-law Number       amends Zoning By-law 135-93 of the former City of Kanata. The amendment affects the property at 335 Michael Cowpland Drive, which is located on the northwest side of Michael Cowpland Drive, as shown on the attached Location Map.


The application is to rezone the subject property from “Light Industrial, Select ” (M1A) to “Light Industrial, Select-Exception” (M1A-2).  The current zoning M1A permits such uses as: light industrial, assembly or manufacturing; a printing establishment; general offices such as a post office; a restaurant; a park; and public uses. The proposed zoning will create a site-specific exception to include a Day Nursery and Private School as additional permitted uses. 


For further information, please contact Jennifer Shepherd at 613-580-2424 ext. 16482 or jennifer.shepherd@ottawa.ca.



 [U1]For applications that do not require a map

 [U2]Should include general background, purpose of zoning, amendment, existing zoning and proposed zoning, headings are optional.

 [U3]If there are no objections…

 [U4]Include the documents that are applicable to this report