Committee Recommendations as amended


That Council:


1.         Approve modifications to the December 7, 2007 approved Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Volume 1 (text) and Volume 2 (maps) brought forward by:


(a)  submissions received after the November 22, 2008 Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee public meetings, with staff recommendations as detailed in Document 1;

(b)  staff recommendations including staff-identified changes and anomalies noted in Document 2;

(c)  Submissions and staff recommendations received between March 7th, 2008 and April 9th, 2008, noted in Document 3;

(d)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 10, that for the lands known as 5537 First Line Road be changed to a new subzone that reflects the minimum lot size of 1,950 m2 approved by By-law 2006-399;

(e)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 11, that for the land at 5224 Bank Street zoned RG1[290r]  the additional use permitted should be a lumber yard, and that a truck transport terminal be prohibited to reflect the existing zoning;  and

(f)  Direct staff review the following submissions with a view to providing motions for Council’s consideration as required:

1.   Rideau Valley Conservation Authority – RVCA owned properties

2.   Huntley Developments, Hidden Lake Subdivision Phase 3, Village of Carp

3.   Double Deck Golf Centre Ltd – 560 Hazeldean Rd.

4.   Central Canada Exhibition, 4980 Albion

5.   Village Walk Subdivision, Salisbury Street, Carp

6.   Karson Holdings, 3725 Carp

7.   7268 Parkway Road and related addresses (Sunset Lakes Development)

8.   6056 First Line Road (Alan McLeod)

9.   5600 First Line Road (Doug Dods)

10.   3100 Bankfield Road


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


2.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by changing the proposed Rural Residential -RR3 and RR3[129r] zoning of parts of the property at 4900 Carp Road to the Rural – RU zone;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


3.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural Heavy Industrial [27r] exception zoning of the property at 5013 McNeely Road (part of Lot 20, Concession 6, former City of Cumberland) to add the additional permitted uses:  detached dwelling and home-based business;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


4.         Approve that the City reinstate the following uses to the property located at 6155 Rockdale Road, recently rezoned to allow a School Bus Depot and Repair Facility with restrictions, as it is located in a wellhead area; Agricultural Supply Establishment, Automobile Convenience Station, Automobile Gasoline Bar, Automobile Repair Garage, Automobile Sales & Rental Establishment, Garden Centre, Nursery, Public Utilities Installation, Recreational Vehicle Sales & Storage;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


5.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural (RU) zoning of the property at 6160 First Line Road (owner R.V. Dams) to be given an exception that will prohibit agricultural use;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


6.         Direct staff to prepare the by-law for adoption, which will include any and all modifications by Council, as well as Zoning By-law amendments approved since December 2007.



Recommandations modifiées du comité


Que le Conseil :


1.         Approuve des modifications au Règlement de zonage général préliminaire approuvé le 7 décembre 2007, volumes 1 (texte) et 2 (cartes), mises de l’avant dans :





(a)  les mémoires reçus après les réunions publiques tenues par le Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales le 22 novembre 2008, y compris dans les recommandations du personnel énumérées dans le document 1;

(b)  les recommandations du personnel, dont les changements et les anomalies déterminés par le personnel et indiqués dans le document 2;

(c)  Les mémoires et les recommandations du personnel reçues entre le 7 mars 2008 et le 9 avril 2008 indiquées dans le document 3;

(d)  D’ajouter une modification supplémentaire au document 2, correction n10, selon laquelle le terrain sis au 5537, chemin First Line, passe dans une nouvelle zone où la superficie minimale du lot, approuvée par le règlement 2006‑399, est de 1950 m2;

(e)  D’ajouter une modification supplémentaire au document 2, correction no 11, pour que, dans le cas du terrain sis au 5224, rue Bank, zoné RG1[290r], l’utilisation supplémentaire autorisée soit une cour à bois, et qu’il soit interdit d’y construire un terminal de transport par camion, conformément au règlement de zonage actuel;

(f)  De donner instruction au personnel d’examiner les mémoires indiqués ci‑dessous dans le but de préparer, le cas échéant, des motions pour l’examen du Conseil :

1.   Office de protection de la nature de la vallée Rideau – Propriétés de l’OPNVR

2.   Huntley Developments, subvidision Hidden Lake, phase 3, Village de Carp

3.   Double Deck Golf Centre Ltd – 560, chemin Hazeldean

4.   Exposition du Canada central, 4980, Albion

5.   Village Walk Subdivision, rue Salisbury, Carp

6.   Karson Holdings, 3725, Carp

7.   7268, Parkway et adresses connexes (Sunset Lakes Development)

8.   6056, chemin First Line (Alan McLeod)

9.   5600, chemin First Line (Doug Dods)

10.   3100, chemin Bankfield


Qu’il n’y ait plus d’autres avis aux termes du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.


2.         Approuve que le règlement de zonage général préliminaire soit révisé en faisant passer les zonages rural résidentiel RR3 et RR3[129r] de certaines parties de la propriété du 4900, chemin Carp, à zone rurale – RU ;


Qu’il n’y ait plus d’autres avis aux termes du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.


3.         Approuve que le règlement de zonage général préliminaire soit révisé en modifiant l’exception de zone d’industrie lourde rurale [27r] de la propriété sise au 5013, chemin McNeely (partie du lot 20, concession 6, ancienne Ville de Cumberland) en y ajoutant les utilisations autorisées suivantes : habitation unifamiliale et entreprise à domicile ;


Qu’il n’y ait plus d’autres avis aux termes du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.


4.         Approuve que la Ville rétablisse les utilisations suivantes de la propriété sise au 6155, chemin Rockdale, récemment rezonée pour permettre un dépôt d’autobus scolaire et des installations d’entretien avec des restrictions, car elle est située dans le secteur d’une tête de puits : fournitures agricoles, centre de service automobile, station d’essence automobile, atelier de réparation automobile, vente et location d’automobiles, centre‑jardin, pépinière, installation de service public, vente et entrepôt de véhicules récréatifs ;


Qu’il n’y ait plus d’autres avis aux termes du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.


5.         Approuve que le règlement de zonage général préliminaire soit révisé en modifiant le zonage rural (RU) de la propriété sise au 6160, chemin First Line (propriétaire R.V. Dams) et de lui accorder une exception interdisant l’utilisation agricole ;


Qu’il n’y ait plus d’autres avis aux termes du paragraphe 34 (17) de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire.


6.         Demande au personnel de préparer le Règlement aux fins d’adoption, qui inclura toutes les modifications apportées par le Conseil ainsi que toutes les modifications du Règlement de zonage approuvées depuis décembre 2007.







1.         Deputy City Manager's report (Planning, Transit and the Environment) dated
28 March 2008 (ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0075).


2.         Extract of Draft Minute, 10 April 2008.


Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


28 March 2008 / le 28 mars 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment/

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Manager/Gestionnaire

Community Planning and Design/Aménagement et conception communautaire

Planning Branch/Direction de l’urbanisme

(613) 580-2424 x22653, Richard.Kilstrom@ottawa.ca


City Wide / À l'échelle de la ville

Ref N°: ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0075













That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve modifications to the December 7, 2007 approved Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Volume 1 (text) and Volume 2 (maps) brought forward by:


(a)        submissions received after the November 22, 2008 Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee public meetings, with staff recommendations as detailed in Document 1; and


(b)        staff recommendations including staff-identified changes and anomalies noted in Document 2.


2.         Direct staff to prepare the by-law for adoption, which will include any and all modifications by Council, as well as Zoning By-law amendments approved since December 2007.




Que le Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales recommande au Conseil :


1.         L’approbation des modifications au Règlement de zonage général préliminaire approuvé le 7 décembre 2007, volumes 1 (texte) et 2 (cartes), mises de l’avant dans :


(a)        les mémoires reçus après les réunions publiques tenues par le Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales le 22 novembre 2008, y compris dans les recommandations du personnel énumérées dans le document 1;


(b)        les recommandations du personnel, dont les changements et les anomalies déterminés par le personnel et indiqués dans le document 2.


2.         De demander au personnel de préparer le Règlement aux fins d’adoption, qui inclura toutes les modifications apportées par le Conseil ainsi que toutes les modifications du Règlement de zonage approuvées depuis décembre 2007.





Assumptions and Analysis:


This report deals with the final approval of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  Previous Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) public meetings have been held, with all ARAC recommendations, as approved or modified by City Council on December 7, 2007, incorporated into a clean copy of the final draft version on the City’s website, for additional public review.  This final draft version was released to the public on March 7, 2008 and is to be discussed at a final public meeting prior to Council adoption of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.


Recommendation 1 deals with the two documents being presented to Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee for approval. The first document (Document 1) lists the submissions received after the November 22, 2008 ARAC public meetings but prior to March 7, 2008, with staff recommendations. Document 2 lists staff recommendations including staff-identified changes and anomalies.


Financial Implications:


Costs associated with the printing of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for adoption by City Council and the notice requirements as a result of approval of Recommendation 2 are estimated to be no more than $5,000 and the funds are available under the capital budget 900852 for this project.


Public Consultation/Input:


Numerous consultations on the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law have been held since consultation on the project was initiated in 2005.  This is the final scheduled public hearing.  There have been 23 submissions received since the November 22 ARAC public meeting. Staff will prepare a summary of submissions received after March 7, 2008 which will be made available at the April 10, 2008 ARAC meeting.





Hypothèses et analyse :


Le présent rapport concerne l'approbation définitive du nouveau Règlement de zonage général. Les réunions publiques du Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales (CAQR) ont eu lieu, et toutes les recommandations du CAQR, approuvées ou modifiées par le Conseil municipal le 7 décembre 2007, ont été consignées dans une copie propre de la version préliminaire définitive, qui est affichée sur le site Web de la Ville à des fins d’examen public additionnel. Cette version préliminaire définitive a été rendue publique le 7 mars 2008 et fera l’objet d’une discussion lors d’une réunion publique finale, avant l’adoption par le Conseil du nouveau Règlement de zonage général.


La recommandation 1 a trait aux deux documents présentés au Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales aux fins d’approbation. Le premier document (document 1) dresse la liste des mémoires reçus après les réunions publiques tenues par le CAQR le 22 novembre 2008, mais avant le 7 mars 2008, et inclut les recommandations du personnel. Le document 2 énumère les recommandations du personnel, dont les changements et les anomalies déterminés par celui‑ci.


Répercussions financières :


Les coûts associés à l’impression du Règlement de zonage général aux fins d’approbation par le Conseil municipal et aux exigences d'avis, advenant l'adoption de la recommandation 2, sont estimés à moins de 5 000 $; des fonds sont prévus pour ce projet dans le budget des immobilisations, poste 900852.


Consultation publique / commentaires :


De nombreuses consultations sur le Règlement de zonage général préliminaire ont eu lieu depuis le lancement du projet en 2005. Il s’agit de la dernière audience publique prévue à l’horaire. Au total, 23 mémoires ont été reçus depuis la réunion publique du CAQR tenue le 22 novembre. Le personnel préparera un résumé des mémoires reçus après le 7 mars 2008, qui sera disponible lors de la réunion du CAQR qui aura lieu le 10 avril 2008.





On December 7, 2007, City Council approved the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law and directed staff to release the final draft version of the document, which is to the include City Council disposition of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommendations to allow stakeholders a final review of the changes made.  In addition, a final public meeting is to be held on April 10, 2008 prior to City Council adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.


On May 10, 2006 City Council approved the proposed project and public consultation timelines (report ACS2006-PGM-POL-0024) for the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law project.  The initial draft was released on May 26, 2006, with a revised second draft for the Rural Area and Greenbelt released on September 25, 2007.  Public meetings were held at the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on October 25, November 8 and 22, 2007 (report ACS-PTE-POL-0062).  A final draft of the Comprehensive Zoning by-law was released on March 7, 2008.


This report details those submissions or zoning issues that arose following the November 22, 2007 ARAC and the December 7, 2007 Council meetings at which the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law - Rural Area and Greenbelt was dealt with. 





Recommendation 1


Document 1 pertains to written submissions made after November 22, 2007 and prior to March 7, 2008 as well as staff's response to those comments. The comments, discussion and staff recommendations are organized by Ward for ease of use. The purpose of this public meeting is to provide the public with an additional opportunity to address ARAC following the requested release of a “clean copy” of the Draft Zoning By-law - Rural Area and Greenbelt on March 7, 2008 indicating all changes as approved by ARAC and Council at its December 7, 2007 meeting, as well as to present staff recommendations on each comment received post-ARAC and City Council meetings, for Committees’ final recommendations to Council. 


Document 2 includes discussion of staff-initiated changes that should be considered prior to the adoption of the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The recommended changes are minor corrections.


Recommendation 2


Following the final public meeting, ARAC is to recommend that Council direct staff to prepare the final implementing Zoning By-law for adoption.  The implementing Zoning By-law will include all modifications as recommended by ARAC and approved by City Council, as well as Zoning By-law amendments to existing zoning by-laws since December 2007.


Following City Council adoption, any appeals to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law will be forward to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). As approved by Council at its December 2007 meeting, should there be appeals, the most restrictive applicable provisions in any particular case of either the existing zoning by-laws of former municipalities, or the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, will apply until such appeals are disposed of by the OMB.


Finally, from time to time, staff will present update reports on outstanding matters and appeals, as well as on identified anomalies to be corrected.




This Comprehensive Zoning By-law will assist in satisfying the following City Strategic Directions:


E.         Sustainable Healthy and Active City

6.         Require walking, transit and cycling oriented communities and employment areas.


F.         Planning and Growth Management

5.         Preserve Ottawa’s rural villages.


H.        Service Delivery

1.         Continue to improve the service culture at the City specifically so that it recognizes and balances the needs of all citizens in their encounters with City services, programs and staff, in both English and French pursuant to current policy.





The draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law reflects the intent of the Official Plan, where zoning is considered an appropriate implementation mechanism, with respect to environmental policies.





The draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law - Rural Area and Greenbelt extract reflects the intent of the Official Plan with respect to Rural Area and Greenbelt land use policies.





Various and numerous consultations on the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, for the Rural Area and Greenbelt have been held since consultation on the project was initiated in 2005. Staff have continued to respond to written comments and requests for information.










Document 1     -     Public Submissions Received After the 22 November 2007 ARAC Public Meeting


Document 2     -     Staff Recommendations Including Staff-identified Changes and Anomalies


Document 3    -     Summary of Public Submissions Post March 7th, 2008 to April 9th, 2008





Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the final version of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law incorporating all changes to the May 2007 version; and forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward implementing by-law to Council.



MEETINGS TO MARCH 7, 2008                                                                                                  



Address and

Ward Number




Staff Recommendation




(Conservation Partners)

Retain watercourse setbacks in by-law

Watercourse setback in Zoning By-law has been re-instated for development not subject to Site Plan Control Approval or Plan of Subdivision; and for development subject to these processes, the watercourse setback policy of the Official Plan will be implemented through those application processes as it is considered more effective.

Change made to establish setback in Zoning By-law for development not subject to site plan and plan of subdivision approval, but staff feels it is more effective to apply the setback through site plan or plan of subdivision.



(Ont. Reality Co. and Hydro One)

Amend the O1P Zone to allow agricultural uses on corridor lands in the rural area.

Concur- Add “agricultural use” to O1P Subzone to recognize existing farms in corridor.

Add “agricultural use” as permitted use in O1P Subzone.

3725 (3719, 3715, 3711) Carp Road


Ward 5


(Karson Holdings Inc.)

Request that the Flood Plain Overlay shown on the schedule for the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised to reflect the revised flood line approved by the MVCA. Also request that a site specific exception be created to reflect the precedent that parking lots and access aisles are permitted within flood plains.

Concur- revise zoning to reflect revised flood line approved by MVCA.  However, do not concur with allowing parking lots within the floodplain as this could be considered to not support the Provincial Policy Statement to minimize risk of persons or damage to private property. Site specific exceptions would have to be reviewed with the appropriate conservation authority.

That the proposed floodplain overlay be changed to reflect modifications to the floodplain that were addressed through a local equalized incremental cut and fill balance approved by Mississippi Valley Conservation.


Do not support allowing as of right, parking lots in floodplains.

2938 Richardson Side Road


Ward 5


(Mike Woodfield)

Reinstate the existing zoning that would permit the keeping of a horse on the rear portion of this lot. The proposed RR3-Rural Residential zone does not allow this use.

Concur - apply exception [38r] to this lot and the abutting lands to permit a stable and paddock subject to specified setbacks from all lot lines. These lots are larger than others in this area, and can accommodate a stable and paddock.

Apply exception [38r] to this lot and to the abutting RR3 zoned lands south of Richardson Side Road between Beavertail and Spruce Ridge Roads.

West Carleton Quarry (Lot 14,15, Con.XI, Huntley) and Kinburn

Quarry (Lot 4, Con.V, Fitzroy)


Ward 5


(Thomas Cavanaugh Construction Ltd.)

Recognize existing small arms, rifles and explosives outdoor testing and training area.


Concur - recognize existing land uses

Place an exception permitting “small arms, rifles and explosives outdoor testing and training area” on subject lands.


Add the new land use term “small arms, rifles and explosives outdoor testing and training area” to Appendix A

366 Hunt Club Road and 3045 Baseline Rd


Wards 8 & 16


(TDL Group)

Allow drive- through use in T1A zone for 366 Hunt Club Rd.


Allow restaurant use in RI zone for 3045 Baseline Rd (Queensway Carleton Hospital).

This issue has been addressed in March 2008 release of draft by-law.


Agree - the conditional uses that are permitted under the Major Institutional (I2) zone for hospital uses, including take-out and full service restaurant, should continue to be permitted at this location provided they are integrated into the institutional building.

No change required.



Modify exception 307r to include the conditional uses and the associated provisions permitted in the Major Institutional (I2) zone.

Area near Bowesville, High Rd and Leitrim Rd, and area east of the Airport Parkway, south of Hunt Club, north of Lester


Ward 10


(Cheryl Doran)


Subject lands should be correctly zoned as EP instead of T1A.

T1A zoning reflects Macdonald-Cartier International Airport designation in Official Plan; further study and Official Plan amendment required before an EP Zone could be considered.

Do not support change

Part Lot 20, Concession 4 - east of Albion Road


Ward 10


(South Nation Conservation Authority)

The entire Leitrim Provincially Significant Wetland should be zoned EP - Environmental Protection.

Concur - the zoning of the Leitrim wetland should be changed from EP3 to EP to reflect the approved Leitrim Community Design Plan. The intent is to use these lands as an environmental preserve. The EP zone is more restrictive than the EP3 zone.

Revise the zoning of the Leitrim wetland, located east of Albion Road, south of Findlay Creek, West of Netley Circle, from EP3 to EP.

Ottawa International Airport


Wards 10,16


(Ottawa International Airport Authority)

Add gas bar, automobile service station as permitted uses; revise by-law to generally discuss AOIZ, AVDZ areas and fine-tune some of the wording, and clarify the purpose of Schedule 6; ensure that the T1A Zone applies to all Airport Authority's lease holding with Transport Canada, and no other lands; allow hotel uses to a maximum 2.0 FSI.

Allow office uses to a maximum 2.0 FSI. 



Remove the holding symbol from the ME zoned lands, since a mineral resource study was recently completed for airport lands.


Rezone EP and RU zoned airport lands to T1A, despite the NEA and Greenbelt and General Rural designations in the OP.

Change the purpose statement and the list of permitted uses in the T1A Subzone to allow "non-aviation related commercial uses".




Have been addressed in March, 2008 release of draft by-law- boundaries of T1A Zone reflect Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Official Plan designation (excluding residential area)









Official Plan allows employment uses in airport area, can support increasing office FSI.


Premature until formal zoning by-law amendment process is undertaken to review this matter.



Premature, requires Official Plan amendment.





Conflicts with the Official Plan which allows employment uses but not general commercial/retail uses.

No change required














Increase FSI for offices in T1A Subzone to 2.0



Do not support change





Do not support change





Do not support change

Ottawa International Airport (continued)


Wards 10,16


(Ottawa International Airport Authority)

Permit freestanding non-employment related commercial uses (retail store, retail food store, automobile dealership, cinema, amusement centre; recreational and athletic facility).

Conflicts with the Official Plan- non-employment related commercial uses should be located within an airport terminal or hotel.

Do not support change

8411 Russell Road


Ward 19


(Walter Henn)

Revise by-law to allow residential uses to reflect subdivision approved in 1979 (proposed RH[29r]-Rural Heavy Industrial; existing MP).

Do not support change as proposed RH[29r] zoning of these lands reflects the existing MP-Rural Industrial Park zoning. 

Do not support change

Part of lot 7, Con.1 Old Survey, Cumberland


Ward 19


(Trowe Associates Inc.)

Draft by-law shows holding symbol on lands (RR[515r]-h), existing by-law has a standard ER-Estate Residential Zone. Delete holding symbol to facilitate subdivision application now underway.

Concur- there is no holding symbol on these lands in the existing by-law (ER Zone), so the proposed exception and applicable holding symbol should be removed- the only holding symbol in this area applies only to a small area to the south-east of these lands.

Revise zoning to RR zone

St. Isidore 1105 March Road

Ward 4;

St. Mary Gloucester 5536 Bank Street

Ward 20


15 de Niverville Drive


Ward 10


(Ottawa Catholic School Board)

Revise zoning of these two school sites to place in one consistent RI5 H(15) zone; two schools currently located  on multiple lots with multiple zones- this anomaly likely results from land acquisitions at various times.


Place maximum 15 m height suffix on this school site, similar to the rest of the Ottawa Catholic School Board sites.

This issue has been addressed in March 2008 release of draft by-law.








Concur - consistent with approach taken with remainder of Board’s sites; place in RI H(15).


No change required









Revise zoning of subject lands to RI H(15)

4980 Albion Road


Ward 20



(Central Canada Exhibition Association)

Confirm that the height limit is indeed 15 metres for the entire property;







Confirm whether or not an amphitheatre would be permitted on the grounds under the current draft provisions;


Confirm whether or not the old definition of 'agricultural events' is fully represented under the 'fairground' and 'place of assembly' definitions;


Explain why the provision allowing restaurants in association with permitted uses appears not to have been included. 

Height limit is intended to be 15 m. for the entire site, however amusement rides and similar structures are exempt. However, recommend adding a 15-metre height suffix to the zoning maps to clarify this intent.


A place of assembly limited to an amphitheatre is permitted if it is outdoors and 200 m from the boundary of a residential zone.


The current term “agricultural events” is included within the proposed fairground and place of assembly terms.




A restaurant is permitted when a fairground event occurs. 





Also, upon further review, staff have determined that the wording of exception 529r is unclear and does not fully capture the intent of the current Gloucester Cr12 zoning. As such, 529r will be revised so that the list of permitted uses is clear and reflective of the current list of uses.

Revise zoning of site to RC4[529r] H(15)







No change required





No change required






No change required





Revise exception 529r to better reflect the intent of the current zoning provisions for this site.

4837 Albion Road


Ward 20


(Rideau Carleton Raceway)


Request that the Zoning Map be changed for Rideau Carleton Raceway’s property at 4837 Albion Road to RC4 [528r] H15.

This issue has been addressed in March 2008 release of draft by-law.

No change required

5699 Longshadow Street


Ward 20


(Joe Princiotta)


Request that restaurant and artist studio be added as permitted uses for the site.

This issue has been addressed in March 2008 release of draft by-law.

No change required

6346 Deer Meadow Drive


Ward 20


(Orchard View Reception & Conference Center)


Zoning should be revised to recognize the existing banquet hall (proposed O1[458r] does not permit this use).

Concur- recognize existing banquet hall

Add “place of assembly limited to a banquet hall” as an additional permitted use in exception [458r].

5598 Power Road


Ward 20


(Boucher Concrete)

Revise zoning to reflect existing setback requirements to permit a future addition. Proposed 15-metre front yard setback and 3-metre interior side yard setback of RH2 Zone are excessive on this site.

Concur - reinstate existing front yard (3 metres) and interior side yard (1 m) setbacks via an exception to acknowledge the small lot size.

Reinstate existing front yard and interior side yard setbacks via an exception.

1926 and 1952 Old Prescott Road (Lot 12 - Con 4, Osgoode Township)


Ward 20


(Don Stevenson)

Request that the proposed ME2[6r] zoning be changed to an ME3 zone to allow for a detached dwelling to be constructed on the site, which is a use that is currently allowed.

The site is currently zoning ME2 in the Osgoode By-law. This zone does not permit a new detached dwelling.  Therefore the proposed zoning is consistent with the current zoning.

Do not support change

West ½ of Lot 23 - Con 4, Osgoode Township)


Ward 20


(Don Stevenson)

Request that the EP3 be changed to an EP2 zone to recognize existing agricultural use.

There is no evidence of an existing agricultural use on these lands. As such, the current EP3 zoning is appropriate.

Do not support change

1745 Carsonby Road (5R-14272 Part 1)


Ward 21


(Don Stevenson)

Request that the ME[8r] zoning be changed to ME1[11r] to allow a detached dwelling to be constructed on the site.

The current MXP zoning in the Rideau Zoning By-law does not allow for a new detached dwelling at this location.



Additionally, upon further review it has been determined that this site should actually have a ME2 zoning, which only allows a pit as per the current zoning and the Official Plan policy for lands designated Sand and Gravel Resource Area.

Do not support change





Change zoning from ME[8r] to ME2[8r]

6160 First Line Road


Ward 21


(Lambert and Monica McCarthy et al.)

Request that 6160 First Line Road maintain only its existing RE-2 Zone permitted uses, and not other agricultural uses, as lands are not suitable for agriculture.

The proposed RU Zone reflects its General Rural Area Official Plan designation.

Do not support change

Citywide Hydro Corridor Lands, 4707 Donnelly Road


Ward 21


(Ontario Realty Corporation)

Wording error in O1P Subzone - Section 16(b). Hydro Corridor lands mapping for O1P Subzone.


Residential Care Facility should be listed as a permitted use in the 443r exception zone.

This issue has been addressed in March 2008 release of draft by-law.

No change required

Miller's Point Subdivision


Ward 21



Nepean Development Corporation & Watterson Place

Holdings Inc.)


Request that the zoning be reviewed for this subdivision to ensure that it can develop as envisioned.


Concur - Revise exception [631r] and [567r] to better reflect the intent of the R1A Block "A" - Residential Special Density Zone and the Re Block "A" - Restrictive Zone of the former Nepean By-law for the Miller’s Point Country Estate Subdivision.

Revise exception [631r] and [567r] to reflect the intent of the R1A Block "A" Zone and the Re Block "A" Zone of the former Nepean By-law.

2637 Pollock Road


Ward 21


(Mr. Schouten)

Revise zoning to recognize existing detached dwelling and accessory building (not permitted under proposed RC3[49r] zoning).

Concur- recognize existing detached dwelling which will then also legalize the accessory building.

Add “detached dwelling” as additional permitted use in exception [49r]








  1. Revise subsection 134 (2) to reflect consistent wording as used elsewhere in the zoning by-law, so that the phrase “…need not extend across a waterway, highway or any other…” with “…need not extend across a highway, grade-separated arterial roadway, railway yard, Rideau or Ottawa Rivers, or Rideau Canal, or any other…”


  1. Adjust the zone boundary at 2156 Donald B. Munro Drive to more accurately follow the site’s property lines.


  1. Change the proposed zoning on the north part of the property at 5346 Saumure Road on part of Lot 22, Concession 2 (former City of Cumberland) from AG3 to RU (zoning of the south part) so to be a better interpretation of the boundary between the Official Plan designations of Agricultural Resource Area and the General Rural Area. 


  1. Change the zoning between the western bank of the Rideau River and Prince of Wales Drive, from Bankfield Drive north to the eastern edge of the RC4[83r] zone boundary, from DR1, AG3 and AG respectively to RU to reflect the existing zoning and the General Urban Area designation of the Official Plan.


  1. Change the zoning from RU and RU1 to AG3[6r] for the lands south of Donnelly Road and east of Malakoff Road on part of Lot 6, Broken Front, formerly in Rideau Township, so to better interpretation of the boundary between the Official Plan designations of Agricultural Resource Area and the General Rural Area.


  1. Remove the phrase “water and sanitary sewer services” from exceptions 610r and 611r and remove the “h” symbol from the maps for the sites zoned V1I[610r], V2S[611r], and V3G[612r] in Greely.


  1. Change the zoning for properties known municipally as 6677, 6683 and 6687 Suncrest Drive, 6674 Woodstream Drive and Block 62 on Plan 4M-1305 in the village of Greely in order to accommodate By-law 2007-396.


  1. Change the zoning of 1599 River Road from AG1[172r] to AG1[171r].


9.   Revise Section 59(1)(a) to state "abuts an improved public street for a distance of at least 3.0 metres, except in RU and AG Zones or Subzones where the distance must be equal to the minimum required lot width for the respective zone; and".

Document 3


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee – April 10, 2008


Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law – Rural Area and Greenbelt           

Summary of Public Submissions Post March 7th, 2008 to April 9th, 2008


Address and

Ward Number








Staff Recommendation

City Wide




(Conservation Partners)

Amend definition of “Accessory” to include the word ‘detached’. It is the experience of the CA’s that without the additional criteria of “detached” that exemptions to the intended provisions of an “accessory” are avoided by way of breezeways or shared walls.

Accessory can include uses within or attached to a principal building (e.g. storage area within a retail store; private garage attached to a dwelling). Changing the definition would create significant non-conformity.

Do not support change

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

Add word “Normal Highwater Mark” with description. Normal High Water Mark: means the mark made by the action of water under natural conditions on the shore or bank of a watercourse or waterbody which action has been so common or usual or so long continued that it has created a distinction  in the general terrestrial vegetation, in changes in soil characteristics or by the edge of some embankment particularly scored by the action of water. It is a variable line in characteristic indicators and distinctiveness, and it is identified by the consideration of all visible evidence, not alone by one indicator, as located by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

Concur- adding definition would provide clarification to the terminology.

Add a definition for “normal high water mark” as noted

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

Add word “setback” with description. Setback: means the least horizontal distance measured between any building, structure, development or excavation on the lot and the closest boundary of the constraint.

Concur – modify the yard setback definition for the purposes of applying Section 69, Setbacks from Watercourses, since the setback is from the constraint and not necessarily the lot line.

Modify the yard setback definitions to indicate a setback applies as noted.

City Wide



(Conservation Partners)

Add word “Top of Bank” with description. Top of bank designates a boundary where a majority of normal discharges and channel forming activities takes place. The top of bank boundary will contain the active stream channel, active floodplain, and their associated banks.

Concur – adding a definition fro Top of the Bank makes it clearer as to where the setback from watercourses contained in Section 69 is measured.

Add definition as noted.

City Wide




(Conservation Partners)

Add word “watercourse” with description. Should be same as in OP. Prefer to see use of definition from CA Act, however will wait for OP review opportunity to keep both consistent. Watercourse: means a naturally occurring drainage channel which includes rivers, streams and creeks.

Concur – this makes it clearer as to where Section 69 applies and is consistent with definition in Official Plan.

Add definition as noted.

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

Add word “waterbody” with description. Waterbody: means a lake or pond. 


Concur – this makes it clearer as to where Section 69 applies.

Add definition as noted.

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

Rename the zone to reflect the hazardous nature of the constraint. Recommend “Floodplain Hazard Overlay”




Amend the first sentence to include other provisions in the bylaw; for example secondary dwelling units.




Remove the reference to the Conservation Authorities Act from Section (2). It is covered in the NOTE at the bottom of the section. Also, zoning cannot be tied to approval by a regulatory agency.




Exempt secondary dwelling units from provision 2.c). Add the words “except for a secondary dwelling”.



























Add to uses not permitted:

A storm water management pond unless approved under the Environmental Assessment Act.

A Nursing home: this term is not used anywhere in the ZBL, though anything equivalent to a nursing home doesn’t seem to appear on the list of prohibited uses. We require clarification on whether a nursing home is captured under one of the terms already listed and/or whether a “residential care facility” would include a nursing home type facility and should be included in this list.


Delete Section (4). and    

add ‘the Village of Constance Bay’ to Two-Zone Floodplain Policy Area - Area-Specific Provisions.

Concur, the Provincial Policy Statement does consider these areas as “Natural Hazards”.




Concur, it is not just the provisions of the underlying zone, but other provisions such as general provisions.




Concur, this is redundant.










A secondary dwelling unit, unless created through an addition, is not considered to be 1) development; 2) site alteration; or 3) change of use, and because it does not fall under any one of these Provincial Policy Statement or Planning Act definitions, there is no authority to require that the City prohibit this secondary use under any conditions, as the policy is to permit them wherever a dwelling is permitted.  However, staff concur that a secondary dwelling unit, where partially or wholly located in a basement, could result in safety risks if flooding occurs.  Therefore, staff recommend a modification, that partially responds to the Conservations Partner’s concern by exempting those units below grade, but which permits this secondary use at and above grade.


Concur for 1. and 2. Note a nursing home falls under the term “Residential Care Facilities”.

















Concur – this just corrects a formatting error.


Change name of Section 58“Floodplain Overlay” to “Floodplain Hazard Overlay”


Change wording to add after “underlying zone”, the words “or other provisions of the Zoning By-law”


Change Section 58(2) by deleting the words “following submission and approval of an application under the Conservation Authorities Act”


Modify Section 58(2) to add a new clause “(e), as follows:

“(e) for a secondary dwelling unit that is neither partially nor fully located below grade.





















Add the two uses in the list of uses prohibited in the floodplain.

















Delete Section 58.(4) and change (5) to (4).


City Wide



(Conservation Partners)

Exclude (6) from Table 65 from projecting into water setbacks. Add in the exclusion:

Despite any other provision to the contrary, the following features and other similar features are permitted to project from a principal building into a required yard in accordance with Table 65. The features listed in this section under subsection  (6): Covered or uncovered balcony, porch, deck, platform and verandah, with a maximum of two enclosed sides, excluding those covered by canopies and awnings are not permitted to project into a required rear yard where the rear yard setback is determined by the watercourse/waterbody setback provisions in Section 69. Where no yard setback is specified, the provisions of Table 65 do not apply. This section does not apply to accessory buildings, the latter of which are regulated by Section 55.



Concur – since according to the Official Plan, development is to be setback from watercourses and waterbodies, this should also include projections such as balconies, decks etc. into the setback where development should not occur. Note that for existing development, the provisions regarding non-complying uses apply to additions, but should be extended to projections into yards as well, to allow some flexibility in the application of the new provisions for existing development.


Add in Section 65, a (d) which would exclude feature (6) contained in Table 65.


Modify Section 3.(7)(b) and (b)(ii) add the words “and  a permitted projection into a yard” after the word “addition”.


City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

The term “waterway” is not defined. Replace section title with “Setbacks from Watercourses and Waterbodies”


Recommended definition wording:

Despite provision of the underlying zone, the following minimum setbacks must be provided to protect the environmental quality of watercourses and waterbodies:

Except for flood or erosion control works, or a public bridge or a marine facility, no development, including a building or structure, access road, pool or any part of a septic system, shall be located closer than 30 metres to the normal highwater mark of any watercourse or waterbody, or 15 metres to the top of bank of any watercourse of waterbody, whichever is greater.


Setbacks are not implemented through an OP, for example, zoning examiners do not look at the OP, they look at the zoning By-laws.


Exceptions in subwatershed studies may be out-of date and can be used to support a MV, if required.

Purpose of the MV is to provide for consideration of an exemption to the ZBL. Zoning is not designed to implement exceptions.


The Conservation Partners have provided wording for the watercourse setback provisions consistent with the 2003 Official Plan which does not provide for exceptions to be made for certain types of applications. At this time, we have not received the requested confirmation in the form of a legal opinion from the City that the city’s proposed wording is legally acceptable. At this time, we are undertaking to seek an independent legal opinion on the exemptions proposed in the city’s current wording and will communicate the outcome to the city as soon as it is available.

Concur, change wording to be consistent.





Do not agree to change the wording of the section. The wording of the section has been developed to implement the City’s desired approach to implementing the setbacks required in the Official Plan.


The approach that the City proposes to implement the setback from watercourses and waterbodies contained in the Official Plan, is to require through the zoning by-law the setbacks for those developments that do not go through a planning approval process  and are reviewed through the building permit process only (ie. plan examiners). For development that requires a planning approval, the planners would be required to ensure the implementation of the Official Plan policies through those application processes. Zoning Plan examiners must then ensure that building permits comply with approved Site Plan Control, rezoning or plan of subdivision approval. This is preferable than requiring exceptions to go to the minor variance process for reductions from the setbacks.


The wording in Section 69 has been developed in conjunction with the City’s Legal Services Branch.

Change title of Section 69 to “Setbacks from Watercourses and Waterbodies”


Do not support change





























City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

The O1 zone (no subzone) should apply to all Conservation Areas as identified in documentation previously provided by RVCA, SNC. Amend zoning maps to identify Conservation Authority owned Conservation Areas as O1 zone (no permissive subzone).


Concur, changes have been previously made. Waiting for specific additional sites identified by RVCA and SNC.

No changes required at this time

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

The EP zone (no subzone) should apply to all PSW lands owned by the Conservation Authorities as identified in previous  documentation provided by RVCA, SNC. Amend zoning maps to identify PSW’s owned by the Conservation Authorities as EP zone (no permissive subzone).


Provincially Significant Wetlands need to be consistent with protection provided in the  PPS and CA regulations. We will accept the EP3 zoning on PSW’s until the OP review bring s it into conformity with the 2005 PPS, EXCEPT for Conservation Authority owned land.

Concur, EP3 subzone generally used in rural area and greenbelt to identify wetlands but allow existing detached dwellings to remain conforming. However, staff will accommodate any property owner that wishes to have an EP zone instead that does not permit detached dwellings. Note OP policy does not allow new severances in these designations.

Concur, change for South Nation Conservation Authority already recommended. For Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, list of sites not provided.

City Wide


(Conservation Partners)

Where are the zoning provisions to implement the OP Section 4.6.3?

Section 4.6.3 of the Official Plan  deals with development along the River Corridors (Ottawa River, Rideau River and Rideau Canal).  The intent is to protect the natural environment functions of rivers and streams.  The main policies are to:


i) prohibit pits and quarries along the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers;

ii) prohibit land uses that require outside storage or large paved areas or that produce noise, fumes and dust;

iii) require development outside the villages in the General Rural Area adjacent to the Rideau River and Rideau Canal upstream from Roger Steven Drive, to provide for a minimum lot size of 5 hectares and a minimum of 200 m of waterfront unless an alternate design has the same or less impact.

The draft Zoning By-law is but one tool to implement the policies of the Official Plan. With respect to the prohibition of pits and quarries along the two rivers, the Official Plan does not designate any of these types of uses near the two rivers and so this would not show up as an ME or MR zone in these locations.


It is primarily the land uses in industrial zones that would permit land uses that require outside storage or large paved areas or that produce noise, fumes and dust. There are no industrial zones adjacent to the two rivers.


With respect to the policy requiring development to have a minimum lot  size of 5 ha and waterfront of 200m, this policy is currently being implemented through the review of severance applications. However, it is recognized that it would be of benefit for the zoning by-law to also reflect these minimum lot sizes at these locations. Since there will have to be further refinement of the Zoning By-law following the 2009 review of the Official Plan, this policy could be better reflected at that time

City Wide


(Rideau Valley Conservation Authority)

Downzone lands owned by the RVCA for conservation purposes only in order to take advantage of the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program.

The intent would be to zone lands owned by the Conservation Authority as EP or O1P, however, additional time is required to review request and determine appropriate zone designations.

Direct staff to review properties and report back to City Council with any recommended changes.

City wide


(Mark MacGowan)

Concerned with the proposed setbacks for wind farms. Suggests that 750 to 1000 meters is a reasonable compromise.

ARAC motion imposed 500 metre separation, changed from original staff recommended 250 metre distance

Do not support change

City Wide



(Raymond Perrin)

Industry Canada has released new antenna siting and approval procedures entitled “CPC-2-0-03 Radio-communication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems, Issue 4.” These new procedures aim at ensuring greater community consultation and continued deployment of radio-communication systems across Canada.

 These new procedures (effective Jan 1, 2008) apply to more antennas than the City's draft By-law in that they also apply to antennas associated with utilities.  While the new procedures of Industry Canada may not be exactly what you want, I would hope that they would be sufficient to address the City's reasonable concerns, thus nullifying the need for any requirements in a City By-law controlling amateur-radio antennas.

Staff has recently met with Industry Canada representatives and they advised that although Federal protocol establishes the basic approval procedure and construction standards, they support and recommend that local municipalities develop and apply their own land use regulations and review process to address these structures. Provided the local regulations are not less restrictive than Federal standards and provided the local provisions do not prohibit the development of these antennae, they support the use of zoning to address the land use impact of these antennae. Staff is confident that the proposed regulations are fair and reasonable

Do not support change



Hydro Corridor Lands


(Hydro One)


There are some technical issues remaining with the boundaries of the O1P Hydro Corridor Subzone

Concur- these issues are still being discussed and the mapping will be revised accordingly for the final version of the by-law

Revisions to be included in final version of zoning by-law

Ward 8


Queensway Carleton Hospital



Request to keep the 30% lot coverage as opposed to the proposed 50% in exception [307r]

Concur- 30% lot coverage adequately accommodates existing hospital and provides opportunity for future expansion

Revise exception [307r] to state “maximum lot coverage - 30%”


City Wide

Section 70


Ward 10 and 16 – T1A zone


(Airport Authority)

The wording in the T1 zone, subpart (2) should be modified as follows: “permit a range of employment and aviation/non aviation related commercial and industrial uses at the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.”

The list of permitted uses should include “aviation/non aviation commercial uses.”


The wording of the T1A zone, subsection (1) should also include the following additional uses: amusement centre (indoor); automobile body shop; automobile dealership; cinema; flight school; heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing; kennel; place of assembly; recreational and athletic facility; retail food store; and retail store. Subsection (2) relating to ancillary uses under the T1A zone should be deleted.




The wording in the subsection (3) of the T1A zone should read as follows: “the maximum allowable FSI for a hotel and office use in the T1A subzone is 2.0.”


Lands not leased by Transport Canada for airport purposes should not be included in the T1A zone. The following lands, which are owned by the Airport Authority, should be included in T1A zone:  parcel at the SW corner of Riverside and Hunt Club; parcel between the rail corridor and Albion Road, south of Lester Road; area east of Limebank Road between Leitrim Road and a pint near the corner of Limebank and River Roads; an area south of Leitrim Road currently designated General Rural and Natural Environment Area; and a swath of land near High Road, currently designated Sand and Gravel Resource Area. 


The “h” and exception provision should be removed from the ME[527r]-h and ME[541r]-h zones.  Consider creating a joint T1A/ME zone.



The ME2 zone at Earl Armstrong and High Road should be ME.



Exceptions [306r] and [525r] should be deleted if range of T1A zone permitted uses are broadened to include these uses.


A T1A zone should be applied to the lands zoned EP south of Leitrim Road as these lands have no bona-fide environmental significance.


4160 Riverside Dr. – No uses that are noise sensitive (e.g. day care) or that could interfere with navigational equipment or telecommunications (broadcast and production studios) should be permitted in this IL zone.

Has been addressed in March 2008 release of by-law; Staff continue to oppose proposed revision as it would expand the permitted uses beyond airport uses, hotel and related commercial uses and employment uses as outlined in Official Plan policies




Most of the requested uses are not considered appropriate for addition at this time. The Airport Authority is working with the City on Official Plan review with respect to this area. Note that “training centre” permits a flight school, and an amusement centre, recreational and athletic facility, retail food store and retail store are already permitted if they are part of the passenger terminal or a hotel, a restriction that should continue.


Agree to allow offices uses to have a 2.0 fsi.






The T1A zone reflects the Macdonald-Cartier Airport designation in the Official Plan – the airport authority can work with staff on the Official Plan review regarding the extent of this designation.
















The holding provision should only be removed by site-specific zoning by-law amendment once the applicable conditions have been met.


The ME2 Zoning reflects the Sand and Gravel Resource Official Plan designation of these lands


As staff do not concur with adding the additional permitted uses to the T1A Zone, the exceptions will still be required


The EP Zoning reflects the Natural Environment Area designation of these lands in the Official Plan.



The lands known as 4160 Riverside Drive are zoned EP3, and environmental protection zone that permits detached dwellings, primarily to recognize existing dwellings. Along Riverside Drive, the lands are primarily vacant and zoned IL. The day care and broadcast and production studio uses can be eliminated from that zone for this

Do not support change











Do not support change


















Add office to subsection (3)






Do not support change at this time






















Do not support change at this time






Do not support change




Do not support change





Do not support change





Eliminate day care and broadcast and studio use from this zone.

Ward 19


3065 & 3089 Regional Road 174


(6024327 Canada Inc.)


Request an RU exception zone that reflects the current minimum lot area provisions of the Cumberland WR zone, which are 0.4 hectares so long as the average density in the development is equal to a minimum of 0.8 hectares per lot.

The minimum requirement of 0.8 hectares per lot is taken directly from Official Plan policy c) which states: “The minimum log size shall be 0.8 ha but studies may indicate the requirement for a larger lots.” The old policy allowing for 0.4 hectares so long as the average density in the development is equal to a minimum of 0.8 hectares per lot was part of the former Regional Official Plan and was not carried forward into the new Plan.

Do not support change.

Ward 19


6155 Rockdale Road


(Bergeron Construction)

The zoning for the property was changed via a zoning by-law amendment application to allow a school bus depot and repair facility; however, a number of uses were also deleted at that time which we failed to realize at the time. This change is reflected in the draft by-law as well. Request that these uses be reinstated.

An application for a zoning by-law amendment to accommodate a school bus depot and repair facility was approved in 2006 subject to a number of conditions to minimize its environmental impact on the wellhead protection area upon which the site is located (By-law 2006-239). This amending by-law also deleted a number of previously permitted uses that were considered to be potentially more hazardous to the wellhead protection area than the proposed use. No objections to these deletions were raised at that time.


Staff does not support the reintroduction of these uses, as the wellhead protection concerns still remain.

Do not support change

Ward 19


(Prescott Russell)

Place a holding provision to all the zones abutting Regional Road 174, between Trim Road and Canaan Road, in order to restrict any form of lot creation along this pubic highway that would jeopardize its improvement.

The restriction on lot creation is through the Committee of Adjustment, through the review of applications for severance. A holding zone in the Zoning By-law is not an appropriate tool to restrict severances.

Do not support change.

Ward 20


6346 Deer Meadow Drive & 6344 Deer Meadow Drive



(Orchard View Reception & Conference Center)


Request that the new zoning by-law be revised to also permit a small hotel on the Orchard View property (6346 Deer Meadow Drive), as well as the neighbouring property, 6344 Deer Meadow Drive. Orchard View wishes to convert and expand the existing home to allow as many as 30 guest rooms.  They therefore request that the zoning permit a hotel with the restriction that the number of guest rooms not exceed 30. 

The introduction of commercial uses such as a hotel would be more appropriately be directed toward Village areas as per the Official Plan. Further the Official Plan policy 3.7.2 directs that these would require a zoning amendment process and be reviewed in accordance with the criteria identified in



Do not support change.

Ward 21


Village of Manotick



Objects to the use of an O1 zone on approximately 50 acres centrally located in Minto 400-acre site in the village.

The lands in question as well the rest of the surrounding lands are currently zoned A1-Agricultural but these specific lands are designated as Open Space in the Official Plan, in Volume 2C, Village Secondary Plans, Village of Manotick. The proposed O1 Zone was intended to reflect this Open Space designation. However, as the arrangement of this open space may be subject to change as a result of the development proposal for this area, Staff can support placing these lands in a DR1-Development Reserve Subzone (same as the remainder of these development lands) until the future of these lands is determined.

Revise zoning of area from O1 to DR1

Ward 21


5626 First Line Rd.


(Jessica Lynn Tan and Wayne Van De Graaff (Carnivàle Lune Bleue)

That the AG-2 zone, where the property is located, be amended by allowing an exception to provide as follows; “ an amusement park and fair ground may be permitted during a consecutive five-week period during the months of May to October of each year, there shall be no permanent structures erected in connection with said uses and as an ancillary use to the amusement park there will be allowed a heritage carnival artefacts museum.”

The existing A2 Zoning does not permit this use and the proposed AG2 Zone reflects the existing zoning. The recreational and entertainment uses proposed for this new exception zone cannot be allowed according to the policies of the Official Plan as they fall outside of the list of permitted land uses for Agricultural Resource Areas.  The proposed land uses should more appropriately be situated in the General Rural Area as that designation allows such a range of uses, subject to a zoning by-law amendment to allow proper public notice and public consultation.  In addition the Provincial Policy Statement, Section 2.3 - Agriculture, is very restrictive of uses that may be permitted in prime agricultural areas, and there is no doubt what is proposed does not conform with the PPS.  Planning authorities must make decision consistent with the PPS. 

Do not support change

Ward 21


Part of Lots 40 and 41, Concession 4, Township of North Gower





Request an explanation as to how the new limits of the EP zone were established. Concerned that it may have a negative impact on a proposed subdivision.


The boundaries for the proposed EP3 zone are based on the boundaries of the Significant Wetlands designation on Schedule A of the Official Plan. The proposed EP3 boundaries are should be retained for the time being and refinement of the zone boundaries may be done through the Plan of Subdivision process.

Do not support change.






ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0075                                  City Wide / À l'échelle de la ville


The Committee heard from the following list of delegations.  A brief summary of their presentation is listed within the minutes.  The verbal presentation of those delegations that provided written submissions has been briefly summarized as their documentation is held on file with the City Clerk’s office.




Jean-Pierre Bergeron

Julie Huggan

Janet MacDonald

Jeff Turner & Bill Holtzman

Allan McLeod

Lambert McCarthy

Cheryl Doran

Doug Dods

Carol Gudz

Greg Winters

Kathleen Willis

Walter Henn


Ms. Françoise Jessop, Program Manager, and Mr. Steven Boyle, Senior Project Manager, Planning Branch; Planning, Transit and the Environment Department (PTE), introduced this item by speaking to a PowerPoint slide presentation which served to provide the Committee with a brief overview of the staff report.  A copy of this presentation is held on file with the City Clerk.


Chair Jellett asked a few questions on the overall process such as, between passage and adoption, should Councillors wish to make changes, can they do so at the Council meeting of June 25th when the By-law is to be adopted? Mr. Tim Marc, Senior Legal Counsel stated no that could only be amended by special motion, which needs the approval of ¾ of Council.  The Chair asked when final changes could then be made.  Mr. Marc stated at Council of April 23rd.


In response to Chair Jellett’s question on when motions would best be brought forward, Mr. John Moser, Director, Planning Branch, responded by stating it would be best to do so after hearing from all delegations and following debate.


Councillor El-Chantiry stated that some submissions were received quite, noted that staff had not had a chance to review them, and asked whether these would be placed on hold.  Mr. Moser stated that the intention would be that new motions would be referred to staff and would be examined between now and the 23rd of April, discussed with Ward Councillors and brought forward to Council on April 23rd.




Jean-Pierre Bergeron, owner of 6155 Rockdale Road, stated his concern regarding a property he owns which had been rezoned in 2006 but realised later that when he added a permitted use some had been taken away and he wished to have these permissions reinstated.  A copy of his written submission is held on file with the City Clerk’s office.  He stated that he was not in favour of what had been submitted regarding his property.


Chair Jellett, Ward Councillor for Mr. Bergeron stated that he would move a motion regarding his request later in the meeting.


Julie Huggan-Rainville, on behalf of Mr. G. Milito and Orchard View Reception and Conference Centre, spoke with regard to her client’s wish to add overnight accommodations to his business in the form of a Bed & Breakfast or guest rooms.  A copy of her written submission is held on file with the City Clerk’s office. She stated that benefits and enhancements to the neighbouring community would include enhanced functions at Orchard View, a reduction in evening hour traffic, and a reduction in drinking and driving.


Councillor Hunter stated that the exercise of reviewing a draft comprehensive zoning bylaw is for people to bring forth situations where they may be inadvertently losing rights they had under previous zoning; he said he would consider restoring those, or where there was a chance to legitimize non-conforming use he would consider this as well.  However, he did not view this exercise as a chance to sneak in the addition of a use to a property they did not have before or doing it without going through proper procedures.  He wondered if this situation fit under the first two categories or the latter.  Ms. Huggan stated that her client was asking that the current broad zoning be maintained for uses in the future.  She went on to say that they were not trying to “sneak in” anything new and that the property is quite secluded.


Janet MacDonald, on behalf of her client, owners of the Fairmile Estates Phase II Subdivision, stated that the floodway area has been extended and will have a restrictive impact and would negatively affect her client’s development.  She stated that they are in conversation with staff at present.  A copy of her submission and that of Kollaard Associates on the same issue are held on file with the City Clerk’s office. 


Mr. Daniel Anderson, owner, Sunset Lakes Development Corporation and Mr. Bill Holzman, on behalf of the owner, spoke of their concern regarding the property on Parkway Road and that it is being rezoned from C4 to RC exception 153 and they consider this downzoning since they would lose a key issue, a retail store.   They would like those rights maintained and suggest VM (Village Mixed-use) zoning.  The second component deals with the rest of the lands, all lands endorsed by the OMB. A copy of their letter is held on file with the City Clerk’s office. In 2006 an application for amendments came to ARAC which staff opposed, but which the Committee recommended.  This went to the OMB and the OMB agreed with the applicant.  They are asking that zoning bylaw amendments be incorporated into this draft.


Chair Jellett stated that he did not see this information in the submissions.  Ms. Jessop stated that this was in a letter dated April 9th and should be added to the staff motion on late submissions.


Cheryl Doran, representing the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital stated that she spoke to the Committee on this issue in November regarding zoning issues and the respect of species at risk on Transport Canada lands.  She stated that this is regarding City owned land east of the Airport Parkway, east of CPR right of way and is currently being looked at as Transport Canada land, best reviewed now rather than at the time of OP review.  These lands contain a Monarch butterfly way station and turtle nesting area. This would be in keeping with the OP, Endangered Species Act, Planning Act, etc. She went on to mention lands west of Leitrim, which are wetlands and currently zoned for mineral extraction.  This would affect the water table in the wetlands.  She stated that staff does not support removing the “holding” designation and they support staff in this regard as well.   There is also a spot in the greenbelt area which appears on the proposed zoning bylaw website for 2007 and 2008 which must be a mistake since staff did not support rezoning for development reserve zone and this should be changed back to the designation for greenbelt boundary. 


Chair Jellett asked for staff’s comment.  Ms. Jessop stated that the lands are currently designated under airport designation and that an environmental study would have to be done to determine proper designation, which would then go into the OP if agreed to. She stated that it was premature to zone prior to doing the study.  She commented that it is part of the Environmental Studies group’s workplan.  With regard to the possible greenbelt error, if there is a recommendation to fix the error they will look at to see if a fix is required.


Doug Dods, owner of the property at 5600 First Line Road, spoke to the Committee at the November 22nd 2007 meeting and again requested that his concern be reviewed. He explained that the existing rural commercial business is not zoned for all the things that they are doing and outlined the categories of equipment of his business and requested a few additional categories.  He stated that according to the latest draft his business is in several different categories; boats, atv’s, etc… and just wanted the term “power products” added as a category.  Also, there is a problem with storage.  The present area is approximately five thousand square feet.  That building is full and requires a new building.  They also require more office space and are requesting that two acres be allowed same zoning as commercial zoning as now. 


Councillor Harder asked if there was a motion from Councillor Brooks on this issue.  Chair Jellett stated that this would be added to the staff motion and reviewed before the April 23rd Council meeting. 


Allan McLeod, owner at 6056 First Line Road, stated that his property is halfway between Manotick and Kars and is one of the oldest original farmhouses on First Line Road.  He stated that at some point in the history of the property it was severed along with properties to the north.  The properties were two acres in size but his is 1.13 acres or .4 hectares.  It was part of a farm and used in conjunction with horses in its existence.  Since the property was purchased in 1978 they have raised horses and show ponies.  Under the proposed bylaw their property would be re-classified such that it would require a minimum of one hectare for the present use.  At the moment they have five animals and the bylaw would allow five.  They are not seeking any other rights than have allowed current uses for decades, and were requesting that recognition be given for existing uses of property.


Again Ms. Jessop stated that no written submission had been received and this would be added to the list of properties to be reviewed by staff in the motion before the Committee.


Councillor Hunter inquired as to how animals could be kept on such a small lot.  Mr. Mcleod stated that they bring in hay, pile manure in one area and that the barn sits on 15 feet of sand and there is no drainage problem, as well, the horses are exercised on the road and neighbouring properties.  


Mr. Lambert McCarthy, owner at 6182 First Line Road, spoke to the issue of the land at 6160 First Line Road and Councillor Brooks supports what they and their neighbours are proposing.  A motion will be brought forward on this issue.  The written submission by Mr. McCarthy and other neighbouring properties is held on file with the City Clerk’s office. The property in question is a five-acre parcel designated for agricultural use that had been severed because it was a poor section of land that was no longer feasible for agriculture since most of the topsoil had been stripped off.  The owners at 6160 have a letter that states they do not want the agricultural use designation.  Adjoining properties would be ruined as well.  To zone them agricultural now is not fair.   


Chair Jellett stated that a motion regarding this property is before the Committee and will be voted on later.


Carol Gudz, also representing the Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital, spoke on the issue of overlays and rural natural features of lands.  She stated that they were concerned that individuals who look at the zoning bylaw will not see the restrictions on development in rural features lands.  They feel there needs to be a signal on the maps that there are restrictions on development of these lands and suggested an overlay similar to a flood overlay.  An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) could also be included.   They feel that a zoning bylaw should include as much information as possible re: outlining restrictions on development of a lot.


Chair Jellett stated that this issue came up at the fall public hearings and he did not recall the staff comment but did recall that they did not support an overlay.  Ms. Jessop stated that too many pieces of information are needed for an overlay and all information is provided when a person comes in requesting information on a piece of property and this information is being captured.


Ms. Gudz stated that the other item was with regard to the Carp River Coalition and Salisbury Street. She stated that staff indicated that modifications to the floodplain have been done through the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) but the group would like more information about the implementation.  She says they have not been able to verify that there was a permit approved prior to filling-in having taken place. 


Mr. Greg Winters, Novatech Engineering, spoke to five different properties he represents; the written submissions on these items are held on file with the City Clerk’s office.  All items were added to the staff motion dealing with late submissions.


The first item, referred to in Document 3, dealt with 3100 Bankfield Road. This subdivision had gone through a lengthy process and he would like to deal with staff on this issue.


The second item dealt with the Village Walk subdivision in Carp (153 & 155 Salisbury Street).  He stated that there seems to be some confusion regarding what is a rear yard and what are the setbacks.  Again he will work with staff regarding this issue.


The third item dealt with the Hidden Lakes subdivision and a similar concern.  There are three phases of a planned subdivision.  The first two phases are already registered and he has worked with City staff on a zoning bylaw amendment for lands around Beaver Lake and the subdivision itself.  The zoning bylaw in 2000, when adopted, recognized the area to the east was Phase 3 and would be subject to further approvals and future rezoning.  He was concerned about interpretation of the map outline being made absolute as it was meant to be a rough outline.  He wished to have this set prior to dealing with public conflict later.


The fourth item dealt with was the Double Deck Driving Range at 560 Hazeldean Road.  There is concern that the floodplain overlay does not accurately reflect the current floodplain boundary.  They consulted with the MVCA and had an agreement that they could do some filling on-site to change the floodplain outline.  They had applied for a cut and fill permit, which they received from the MVCA.  Mr. Winters wished to sit with staff to discuss the plans that were approved by MVCA.


The fifth item was regarding the Karson Holdings site at 3275 Carp Road.  Again he wished to work with staff to implement the vision for this site.  The floodplain has caused some concerns since the overlay was based on outdated mapping (1983).  They raised the issue that the floodplain area had been changed by cut and fill applications that had been approved by the MVCA, who concurred that the floodplain line should be altered to reflect existing condition.  They want to allow parking on the flood plain line. 


Kathleen Willis, a development consultant representing two landowners; Grandeur Lumber and Maple Creek Developments, stated that during a final review, they noticed minor errors with regard to both properties.  She had contacted Ms. Jessop and agreed that minor changes could be made.  Ms. Jessop had indicated she would bring these forward as a late addition and she requested that the minor modifications be approved.  Ms. Jessop stated that these changes were reflected in the staff motion under points d) and e).


Mr. Walter Henn, owner of Bearbrook Farms, stated that he had concerns that a right he has had for years was being taken away.  He has had permission to have residential living quarters on the properties where the business is situated as well.  He understood that there was a move to take away that kind of zoning, which he had obtained at great cost in the last few years.  He does not want the zoning changed.  His written submission is held on file with the City Clerk’s office.


Chair Jellett stated that he would be introducing a motion on this property.


Moved by Councillor El-Chantiry


That Recommendation 1 be amended by adding after (b):


(c)  Submissions received between March 7th, 2008 and April 9th, 2008, noted in Document 3;

(d)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 10, that for the lands known as 5537 First Line Road be changed to a new subzone that reflects the minimum lot size of 1,950 m2 approved by By-law 2006-399;

(e)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 11, that for the land at 5224 Bank Street zoned RG1[290r]  the additional use permitted should be a lumber yard, and that a truck transport terminal be prohibited to reflect the existing zoning;  and     

(f)     Direct staff review the following submissions with a view to providing motions for Council’s consideration as required:


1.   Rideau Valley Conservation Authority – RVCA owned properties

2.   Huntley Developments, Hidden Lake Subdivision Phase 3, Village of Carp

3.   Double Deck Golf Centre Ltd – 560 Hazeldean Rd.

4.   Central Canada Exhibition, 4980 Albion

5.   Village Walk Subdivision, Salisbury Street, Carp

6.   Karson Holdings, 3725 Carp

7.   7268 Parkway Road and related addresses (Sunset Lakes Development)

8.   6056 First Line Road (Alan McLeod)

9.   5600 First Line Road (Doug Dods)

10. 3100 Bankfield Road


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.




Chair Jellett requested that Vice-Chair Thompson take the chair as he had a couple of motions to introduce. 


Chair Jellett stated that with regards to Mr. Bergeron’s property he agreed with Councillor Hunter’s earlier comment that rights already obtained should not be taken away.  He spoke to the concern of the wellhead protection area but that school buses are already on this, as are nearby gas stations, etc.  As well, the zoning that will take place will be very restrictive to protect the wellhead protection area.


Mr. Boyle stated that an application had come in to add the use of a bus repair depot and due to the wellhead protection zone certain other uses were removed.


Chair Jellett summarized the issue that in 2006, Mr. Bergeron came to ARAC to request the addition of a school bus depot and he believed he was adding this use to the existing Cumberland Bylaw, however, what the City did was add the school bus depot and remove all other uses.  Mr. Bergeron wanted to right this wrong and reinstate the other uses as enjoyed by everyone else in area. 


Councillor Thompson asked for clarification that other properties in the area are allowed such uses, which, in the future, might be taken away; and if so, should it start now with this property.  Mr. Boyle stated that much work has yet to be done with regard to the list of prohibited uses and until this work is done, perhaps some uses should be allowed.  He believed it might be premature to decide now and that the Official Plan should be followed.  Staff is concerned about reinstating some uses; they feel that site plan control is sufficient to control these uses.


In response to Councillor El-Chantiry’s question on wellhead protection and precedence, especially with regard to West Carleton, Ms. Jessop stated that there is a big wellhead protection area in West Carleton and the Carp area, that it is a fairly unique situation in Ottawa, and that there are no issues with other properties.


In response to Councillor El-Chantiry’s question with regard to this specific motion and precedence, Mr. Marc stated that if this is reinstated and there is a subsequent decision to take it out, a motion to reinstate could be used at an OMB meeting as precedent setting.


Councillor Thompson stated that he would vote in favour of Chair Jellett’s motion, as he was aware of the dynamics of the situation since he sits on the Conservation Authority Board.


Moved by Councillor Jellett


WHEREAS, the property located at 6155 Rockdale Road was recently rezoned to allow a School Bus Depot and Repair Facility with restrictions as its located in a wellhead area;


AND WHEREAS, the applicant is aware and is very supportive in protecting the well head area;


AND WHEREAS, during the zoning amendment approval process, certain uses were removed from the zoning by-law;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City reinstate the following uses; Agricultural Supply Establishment, Automobile Convenience Station, Automobile Gasoline Bar, Automobile Repair Garage, Automobile Sales & Rental Establishment, Garden Centre, Nursery, Public Utilities Installation, Recreational Vehicle Sales & Storage.


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


YEAS (3):        Councillors B. Monette, D. Thompson, R. Jellett

NAYS (2):       Councillors E. El-Chantiry, G. Hunter




Councillor Jellett introduced his next motion with regard to Mr. Henn’s property at Bearbrook Farms and the attached dwelling and home business, which he had fought to obtain and was now being taken away.


Mr. Boyle stated that many changes had taken place over time with Mr. Henn’s property but that staff was not opposed to this motion.


Moved by Councillor Jellett


That Recommendation 1 be amended as follows:


That the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural Heavy Industrial [27r] exception zoning of the property at 5013 McNeely Road (part of Lot 20, Concession 6, former City of Cumberland) to add the additional permitted uses:  detached dwelling and home-based business.


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.




Chair Jellett asked Councillor El-Chantiry to introduce the next motion requested by Councillor Brooks.


Moved by Councillor El-Chantiry


That Recommendation 1 be amended as follows:


That the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural (RU) zoning of the property at 6160 First Line Road (owner R.V. Dams) to be given an exception that will prohibit agricultural use.


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.




That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve modifications to the December 7, 2007 approved Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Volume 1 (text) and Volume 2 (maps) brought forward by:


(a)  submissions received after the November 22, 2008 Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee public meetings, with staff recommendations as detailed in Document 1;

(b)  staff recommendations including staff-identified changes and anomalies noted in Document 2;

(c)  Submissions and staff recommendations received between March 7th, 2008 and April 9th, 2008, noted in Document 3;

(d)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 10, that for the lands known as 5537 First Line Road be changed to a new subzone that reflects the minimum lot size of 1,950 m2 approved by By-law 2006-399;

(e)  Adding an additional correction to Document 2, Correction # 11, that for the land at 5224 Bank Street zoned RG1[290r]  the additional use permitted should be a lumber yard, and that a truck transport terminal be prohibited to reflect the existing zoning;  and

(f)  Direct staff review the following submissions with a view to providing motions for Council’s consideration as required:

1.   Rideau Valley Conservation Authority – RVCA owned properties

2.   Huntley Developments, Hidden Lake Subdivision Phase 3, Village of Carp

3.   Double Deck Golf Centre Ltd – 560 Hazeldean Rd.

4.   Central Canada Exhibition, 4980 Albion

5.   Village Walk Subdivision, Salisbury Street, Carp

6.   Karson Holdings, 3725 Carp

7.   7268 Parkway Road and related addresses (Sunset Lakes Development)

8.   6056 First Line Road (Alan McLeod)

9.   5600 First Line Road (Doug Dods)

10.   3100 Bankfield Road


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


2.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by changing the proposed Rural Residential -RR3 and RR3[129r] zoning of parts of the property at 4900 Carp Road to the Rural – RU zone;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


3.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural Heavy Industrial [27r] exception zoning of the property at 5013 McNeely Road (part of Lot 20, Concession 6, former City of Cumberland) to add the additional permitted uses:  detached dwelling and home-based business;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


4.         Approve that the City reinstate the following uses to the property located at 6155 Rockdale Road, recently rezoned to allow a School Bus Depot and Repair Facility with restrictions, as it is located in a wellhead area; Agricultural Supply Establishment, Automobile Convenience Station, Automobile Gasoline Bar, Automobile Repair Garage, Automobile Sales & Rental Establishment, Garden Centre, Nursery, Public Utilities Installation, Recreational Vehicle Sales & Storage;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


5.         Approve that the Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law be revised by amending the Rural (RU) zoning of the property at 6160 First Line Road (owner R.V. Dams) to be given an exception that will prohibit agricultural use;


That there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


6.         Direct staff to prepare the by-law for adoption, which will include any and all modifications by Council, as well as Zoning By-law amendments approved since December 2007.

                                                                                                            CARRIED as amended



The following correspondence was received and is held on file with the City Clerk:


1.                  Kollaard & Assoc. letter dated 29 February 2008.

2.                  Soloway Wright letter dated 27 March 2008.

3.                  Stantec Consulting Ltd. letter dated 31 March 2008.

4.                  United Counties of Prescott Russell CAO/Clerk letter dated 2 April 2008.

5.                  Airport Authority letter dated 3 April 2008.

6.                  Lambert & Monica McCarthy letter dated 4 April 2008

7.                  Berry Family correspondence (undated); submitted as part of McCarthy package
4 April 2008.

8.                  Dams Family correspondence (undated); submitted as part of McCarthy package 4 April 2008.

9.                  Mark MacGowan e-mail sent 7 April 2008.

10.              Julie Huggan, Tennant, Huggan & Assoc. letter dated 8 April 2008.

11.              Ontario Realty Corp. letter dated 9 April 2008.

12.              Greg Winters letter via e-mail Re: Huntley Developments sent 9 April 2008.

13.              Greg Winters letter via e-mail Re: Double Deck Driving Range sent 9 April 2008.

14.              Greg Winters letter via e-mail Re: Karson Holdings sent 9 April 2008.

15.              Greg Winters e-mail Re: Village Walk Subdivision sent 9 April 2008.

16.              Holzman Consultants letter dated 9 April 2008.

17.              FoTenn Consultants e-mail / letter dated 9 April 2008.

18.              Paquette Planning Associates letter dated 10 April 2008.

19.              Jean-Pierre Bergeron letter dated 10 April 2008.

20.              Ted Cooper e-mail sent 10 April 2008.