7.             ZONING – 137 GLEBE AVENUE






Committee recommendationS


That Council approve:


1.         An amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to rezone the eastern part of 137 Glebe Avenue from CN5 F(2.0) H(10.7) to R3J, as shown on Document 1; and


2.         An amendment to the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law being By-law No. 2008-250 to rezone the eastern part of 137 Glebe Avenue from TM H(15) to R3P, as shown on Document 1.



RecommandationS du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve:


1.         une modification au Règlement de zonage de la de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa pour changer le zonage de la partie est du 137, avenue Glebe, de CN5 F(2.0) H(10.7) à R3J, tel qu’illustrée dans le document 1; et


2.         une modification au Règlement N° 2008-250 du Règlement de zonage de la Ville d'Ottawa pour changer le zonage de la partie est du 137, avenue Glebe,  de TM H(15) à R3P tel qu’illustrée dans le document 1.






1.   Committee Coordinator’s report dated 27 June 2008 (ACS2008-CCS-PEC-0015).

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


27 June 2008 / le 27 juin 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par :Clive Doucet, Councillor/Conseiller

Contact Person/Personne ressource :Clive Doucet, Councillor/Conseiller

Ward/Quartier 17

(613) 580-2487, Clive.Doucet@ottawa.ca


Capital Ward (17)

Ref N°: ACS2008-CCS-PEC-0015




ZONING – 137 Glebe AveNUE











That Planning and Environment Committee recommend that Council:


1.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to rezone the eastern part of 137 Glebe Avenue from CN5 F(2.0) H(10.7) to R3J, as shown on Document 1; and


2.         Approve an amendment to the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law being By-law No. 2008-250 to rezone the eastern part of 137 Glebe Avenue from TM H(15) to R3P, as shown on Document 1.





Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de la de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa pour changer le zonage de la partie est du 137, avenue Glebe, de CN5 F(2.0) H(10.7) à R3J, tel qu’illustrée dans le document 1; et


2.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement N° 2008-250 du Règlement de zonage de la Ville d'Ottawa pour changer le zonage de la partie est du 137, avenue Glebe,  de TM H(15) à R3P tel qu’illustrée dans le document 1.




The owner is proposing to construct a 4-unit addition to an existing 3-storey detached dwelling on the property known as 137 Glebe Avenue thereby establishing a 5-unit converted dwelling. 


The subject lands are subject to two-zone designations in the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 1998 and in the City Council approved new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  Under the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law, the western portion of the site currently accommodating a single family home, which is zoned R3J, a medium density residential zone.  The eastern portion of the site is currently vacant and located within the CN5F(2.0)H(10.7) neighbourhood linear commercial zone that applies to properties along Bank Street. 


Under the New Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, the western portion of the site is zoned R3P and the eastern portion of the site is zoned TM H(15).  The CN zone does not permit a converted dwelling as proposed to occupy the western portion of the site. 


The purpose of the rezoning is to extend the residential zoning applying to the western part of the site to include the entire property so as to allow for the proposed residential development, which would be oriented to Glebe Avenue.




The surrounding lands to the north, west and south are zoned residential (R3J, R1E in the former City of Ottawa zoning by-law and R3 and R4 in the new Council approved comprehensive zoning by-law) with commercially developed lands along Bank Street being zoned commercial (CN5 in the former City of Ottawa zoning by-law and TM in the new Council approved comprehensive zoning by-law).


The dual zoning applying to the subject property is considered an anomaly, as it is the intent of the zoning by-law to ensure individual parcels are located within one zone.  In this case, given that the property is oriented to and fronts onto Glebe Avenue, it is appropriate to include all of the property within a residential zone rather that allowing for commercial development to extend from the Bank Street commercial corridor down Glebe Avenue, which is developed as a residential street.


It is further noted that it has been the owner’s intent to develop residential units for some time as the owner assumed the entire property was zoned residential.  Contact with the City to initiate the process was undertaken in November of 2007, and architectural discussions to design the dwelling units commenced shortly thereafter.  In reviewing the proposal, it was determined that 137 Glebe was subject to two zone designations and that to allow for the proposed residential development, a rezoning would be required to bring the entire property into a residential zone.  In the past, where anomalies are identified such as with the subject property, the Planning, Transit and Environment Department would bring forward reports to correct the anomalies without requiring owners to submit site-specific rezoning applications.  However, due to the Department’s focus over the past while on having a new comprehensive zoning by-law developed for the amalgamated City, the Department was not able to resolve anomalies through anomaly reports, but rather was proceeding to have these resolved through the new comprehensive Zoning By-law.  For the subject site, the timing of the identification of the anomaly did not allow this to be undertaken. 


Given the circumstances, the Ward Councillor has initiated this rezoning to allow the owner to finalize plans for development of the site, which as noted has been contemplated by the owner for some time.   




A pre-consultation meeting was held on March 25th at the Glebe Community Centre. 15 residents of the area were in attendance and were fully supportive of a residential development for the property as depicted on the drawings presented. The Ward Councillor was also in attendance and supportive of the proposal.  The concept plan presented to the community is attached as Document 3.


Planning, Transit and the Environment


The Department has reviewed this proposed Zoning By-law amendment in the context of applicable policies in the Official Plan and considers the proposed rezoning to establish a residential zoning for all of the property to be appropriate. 




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Concept Site Plan




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner, Robert Sisttie, and Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.



LOCATION MAP                                                                                                     DOCUMENT 1



Details of Recommended Zoning                                                                 DOCUMENT 2




1)         Ottawa Zoning By-law 93-98


That the lands known municipally as part of 137 Glebe Ave, as shown in Document 1, be rezoned from CN5 F(2.0) H         (10.7) to R3J.


2)         City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 2008-250


That the lands known municipally as part of 137 Glebe Ave, as shown in Document 1, be rezoned from TM H(15) to         R3P.

Concept Site Plan                                                                                         DOCUMENT 3