Report to/Rapport au:


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


12 January 2007 / le 12 janvier 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : M. J. Beauregard, Coordinator,

Planning and Environment Committee /Coordonnatrice du

Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : As above/Tel qu’indiqué çi-dessus

(613) 580-2424, ext./poste 21622



Ref N°: ACS2007-CCS-PEC-0002














That the Planning and Environment Committee approve the following:


1.         That the Cash-in-Lieu Approval granted by the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals be revised to require payment in the amount of $8 dollars, or one dollar per space;


2.         That the agreement shall apply only to a coffee shop (take-out restaurant) owned and occupied by Bridgehead 2000 Inc;


3.         That all other conditions included in the approval given by the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals will continue to apply.



That Council approve the City’s participation in the Nicholas Mann Gateway as described in Document 1, through the Planning, Environment and infrastructure policy branch.


That Council approve the funding of $20,000 to support the Community’s participation in the Nicholas Mann Gateway community planning initiative.


That Council support the allocation of seed funding of $60,000 in the 2007 budget for the City of Ottawa’s 10% component of a future Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) request for Green Municipal Funds Grants.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement approuve ce qui suit:

1.                  Que le règlement financier des exigences du stationnement approuvé par le Directeur des approbations, aménagement et infrastructure soit revisé afin qu’un paiement de 8$ soit requis, ce qui représente un dollar par espace.


2.                  Que le règlement ne s’applique uniquement qu’au Café Bridgehead, qui est sous location et la propriété de Bridgehead 2000 Inc.

3.                  Que toutes les autres conditions imposées par le Directeur des approbations, aménagement et infrastructure continuent d’avoir force.


Que le Conseil approuve la participation de la Ville à l’aménagement de la structure d’ accueil de Nicholas Mann tel que décrit dans le document 1, par l’entremise du département des politiques d'urbanisme, d'environnement et d'infrastructure


Que le Conseil approuve le financement de la somme de 20, 000$ afin de supporter l’initiative et la participation communautaire à l’aménagement de la structure d’accueil Nicholas Mann. 


Que le Conseil supporte l’allocation d’un financement de base de 60, 000$ dans son budget de 2007 afin d’assurer  la composante de 10% que la contribution de la Ville d’Ottawa offrira dans une éventuelle demande de la Fédération Canadienne des Municipalités  pour une bourse provenant des fonds municipaux verts.




At the Planning and Environment Committee meeting of 9 January 2007, Councillor Clive Doucet introduced the following Notice of Motion on behalf of Councillor Jacques Legendre, the ward councillor:


WHEREAS the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals, using his delegated authority, approved a Cash-in-Lieu of Parking Application to exempt the property at 131 Beechwood Avenue from providing 8 additional parking spaces required;


AND WHEREAS a total of 3 parking spaces will be provided on-site with access from Putman Street;


AND WHEREAS It is generally recognized that specialty coffeehouses, unlike full service restaurants, attract customers from a small market area – typically within walking distance from the surrounding businesses or residential areas;


AND WHEREAS a customer survey conducted by Novatech Engineering (DATED October 2006 City of Ottawa File No. D07-03-06-0019) at two other Bridgehead locations that currently operate in a similar fashion and are located in a similar type of environment indicates that:

Ø       “It may be concluded from the results that there is sufficient on-street parking available within a reasonable distance to meet the demand by the proposed change in use from “Retail Store” to “Restaurant, fast food.”

Ø       “Given the characteristics of Bridgehead and coffeehouses in general, the change in use would not create any significant impact or pressure on the on-street parking situation in the vicinity of the proposed 131 Beechwood location.”


AND WHEREAS The City of Ottawa recently approved the “Beechwood Community Design Plan” which states that:

Ø      “It [Beechwood Avenue] should be a compact, pedestrian main street.” (page 1)

Ø      “Comprehensive streetscape improvements are needed” (page 5, section 1.1.5)

Ø      “Parking should be retained along the street and placed behind buildings” (page 5, section 1.1.5)

Ø      “In the studied planning area [east of MacKay Street], there is a significant surplus of parking spaces.” (page 20, section 1.3.9)


AND WHEREAS the cash-in-lieu of parking application delegated authority report, which was approved on December 29th 2006, states that:

Ø      “It is the Department’s position that the proposed use… will have little vehicular impact on the surrounding area as parking is available along Beechwood Avenue.”

Ø      “… there is sufficient on-street parking along Beechwood Avenue to accommodate on-site parking deficiency.”


AND WHEREAS the applicants have been cooperative in ensuring that their site plan was in harmony with the “Beechwood Community Design Plan” by providing an outdoor patio facing Beechwood instead of additional parking spaces;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Cash-in-Lieu Approval granted by the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals be revised to require payment in the amount of $8 dollars, or one dollar per space;


THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement shall apply only to a coffee shop (take-out restaurant) owned and occupied by Bridgehead 2000 Inc;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all other conditions included in the approval given by the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Approvals will continue to apply.



Accordingly, the matter is before the Planning and Environment Committee for consideration.





The item having been brought forward by the ward councillor, no public consultation is required.





Corporate Services, Secretariat will advise the owner of the Bridgehead Coffee Shop at 131 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, of the committee’s decision.