Report to/Rapport au:


Planning and Environment Committee /

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


28 June 2010 / le 28 juin 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par: Shad Qadri, Councillor/Conseiller

Stittsville (Ward/Quartier 6)


Contact Person/Personne ressource: Councillor/Conseiller Shad Qadri

(613) 580-2476,


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2010-CCS-PEC-0024




Motion – Construction and Demolition Recycling Initiatives









That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve:


  1. That the City of Ottawa demand the Provincial Government restart the Waste Diversion Act review immediately and proceed to prepare draft amendments to the Waste Diversion Act for first reading forthwith;


  1. That City of Ottawa solid waste, planning, and infrastructure staff develop and implement a policy encouraging the recycling of Construction and Demolition waste during all demolition, site plan approval and subdivision pre-consultation and consultation phases and through the development review and approval process, regardless of the size of the project;


  1. The policy consider including the following:


a)      An information package to development applicants on the: benefits of recycling Construction and Demolition waste; private companies that recycle Construction and Demolition waste in the area; obligations to recycle Construction and Demolition waste under the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


b)     A requirement for proponents of all major projects submitted for site plan approval to have a demolition and construction waste diversion plan as required by Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


c)      All development applicants be informed of their ability to enroll in the City’s Construction and Demolition waste recycling program that will publically recognize projects that adhere to recycling principles set out in the LEED certified level guidelines;


  1. That the City of Ottawa in all of its Construction and Demolition projects lead by example by targeting LEED certified level guidelines for construction and demolition projects where practical;


  1. That the City of Ottawa encourage the Ontario Ministry of the Environment make the necessary resource allocations to ensure requirements in the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94 are enforced and complied with;


  1. That the City of Ottawa encourage the Ministry of the Environment meet with members of the Ottawa construction industry, including developer, homebuilder, property management, and construction associations, in order to provide information on waste diversion requirements contained in the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


  1. That City of Ottawa Solid Waste staff expedite the implementation of differential tipping fees for recyclable ICI and construction and demolition materials as markets become available;


  1. That the City of Ottawa no longer receive clean loads of recyclable dry wall (gypsum board) at its Trail Road landfill as viable recycling opportunities for this material exists in close proximity to the municipality.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement fasse les recommandations suivantes au Conseil:


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa demande au gouvernement provincial de procéder à un nouvel examen de la Loi de 2002 sur le réacheminement des déchets et de rédiger sans délai un projet de modification de la Loi en vue de la première lecture;


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa demande au personnel de la Direction des déchets solides, du Service de l’urbanisme et des Services d’infrastructure d’élaborer et de mettre en application une politique favorisant le recyclage des déchets de construction et de démolition aux phases de démolition, d’approbation des plans d’implantation, de consultations préalables et officielles relatives au lotissement, de même que dans le cadre du processus d’examen et d’approbation des projets , peu importe la taille du projet;


  1. Que la politique soit accompagnée des éléments suivants :


a)      une trousse d’information destinée aux demandeurs d’aménagement qui comporte : les avantages du recyclage des déchets de construction et de démolition; une liste d’entreprises privées recyclant des déchets de construction et de démolition dans le secteur; les obligations concernant le recyclage de ces déchets prévues dans la Loi de 2002 sur le réacheminement des déchets et les règlements de l’Ontario 102/94 et 103/94;


b)     une exigence selon laquelle tous les promoteurs de grands projets soumis pour approbation des plans d’implantation doivent élaborer un plan de réacheminement des déchets de construction et de démolition tel que l’exigent les règlements de l’Ontario 102/94 et 103/94;


c)      un avis informant les demandeurs d’aménagement qu’ils peuvent s’inscrire au programme municipal de recyclage des déchets de construction et de démolition, dans le cadre duquel les projets adhérant aux principes de recyclage établis dans les lignes directrices relatives à la certification LEED seront reconnus publiquement;


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa prêche par l’exemple dans le cadre de ses projets de construction et de démolition en respectant autant que possible les lignes directrices relatives à la certification LEED;


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa encourage le ministère de l’Environnement de l’Ontario à affecter les ressources nécessaires pour voir à l’application et au respect des exigences de la Loi de 2002 sur le réacheminement des déchets et des règlements de l’Ontario 102/94 et 103/94;


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa encourage le ministère de l’Environnement à rencontrer des acteurs de l’industrie de la construction d’Ottawa, notamment des associations de promoteurs, de constructeurs d’habitations, de construction en général et de gestion immobilière, afin de leur communiquer les exigences relatives au réacheminement des déchets prévues dans la Loi 2002 sur le réacheminement des déchets et les règlements de l’Ontario 102/94 et 103/94;


  1. Que la Ville d’Ottawa demande au personnel de la Direction des déchets solides d’accélérer la mise en application de la redevance de déversement préférentielle pour les déchets industriels, commerciaux et institutionnels et les matériaux de construction et de démolition recyclables à mesure que des marchés s’ouvrent;


  1. Que la Ville veille à ce qu’on n’achemine plus de grandes quantités de cloisons sèches (panneaux de gypse) à la Décharge du chemin Trail si des centres éprouvés de recyclage de ce matériau se trouvent à proximité de la municipalité visée.





Pursuant to Section 77 (12) of the Procedure By-law, Councillor Qadri requested that the following motion be placed on the Planning and Environment Committee Agenda for the 5 July 2010 meeting:


WHEREAS the Province of Ontario recently has delayed the much anticipated review of the Waste Diversion Act and potential new measures to encourage waste diversion in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sector;


AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has developed Diversion 2015, which is a strategic plan to reduce the flow of ICI waste to municipal and private landfill sites over the next six years;


AND WHEREAS the primary goals of Diversion 2015 are to affect sustained measurable reductions in the gross per capita quantity of waste generated in Ottawa, maximize the amount of waste diverted from landfill, defer the need for and minimize the scale of landfill expansions in the City, and to help achieve the provincial target of 60% diversion of the ICI waste stream from landfill;


AND WHEREAS it is estimated that less than 20% of ICI waste is recycled in some manner, based on 2004 Statistics Canada estimates, compared to current residential diversion rates of roughly 40% through recycling programs, and the City has long-term plans and programs for increasing residential diversion rates, such as composting of organic wastes;


AND WHEREAS Waste ceases to be “garbage” and becomes a resource when someone is willing to take it or buy it largely based on the quality and quantity of the material separated from the waste stream, and the proximity to viable markets.


AND WHEREAS when businesses begin to think of waste as a commodity, they will be more willing to invest time and resources into maintaining the quality of the product and preparing it for market;


AND WHEREAS one of the objectives of the Diversion 2015 program is to increase diversion through focus on waste streams that represent significant volumes of waste, or materials for which diversion programs can be readily and affordably established, specifically: paper products; blue box materials; organics; asphalt shingles; gypsum board; and clean wood, and to work on market development in order to ensure viable long-term markets for recyclable materials;


AND WHEREAS the Construction Recycling Initiative Task Group joined forces recently with the Ottawa Construction Association to raise awareness and improve the region’s performance in respect to the recycling of Construction and Demolition waste and in particular Gypsum board (drywall);


AND WHEREAS private facilities recycling mixed Construction and Demolition waste exist;


AND WHEREAS there are now Gypsum Board recyclers in both Oakville and Montreal;


AND WHEREAS Landfill space is a diminishing resource not to be wasted by filling them with recyclable materials;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa demand the Provincial Government restart the Waste Diversion Act review immediately and proceed to prepare draft amendments to the Waste Diversion Act for first reading forthwith;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of Ottawa solid waste, planning, and infrastructure staff develop and implement a policy encouraging the recycling of Construction and Demolition waste during all demolition, site plan approval and subdivision pre-consultation and consultation phases and through the development review and approval process, regardless of the size of the project;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the policy consider including the following:


a)      An information package to development applicants on the: benefits of recycling Construction and Demolition waste; private companies that recycle Construction and Demolition waste in the area; obligations to recycle Construction and Demolition waste under the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


b)      A requirement for proponents of all major projects submitted for site plan approval to have a demolition and construction waste diversion plan as required by Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


c)      All development applicants be informed of their ability to enroll in the City’s Construction and Demolition waste recycling program that will publically recognize projects that adhere to recycling principles set out in the LEED certified level guidelines;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa in all of its Construction and Demolition projects lead by example by targeting LEED certified level guidelines for construction and demolition projects where practical;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa encourage the Ontario Ministry of the Environment make the necessary resource allocations to ensure requirements in the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94 are enforced and complied with;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa encourage the Ministry of the Environment meet with members of the Ottawa construction industry, including developer, homebuilder, property management, and construction associations, in order to provide information on waste diversion requirements contained in the Waste Diversion Act and Ontario Regulations 102/94 and 103/94;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City of Ottawa Solid Waste staff expedite the implementation of differential tipping fees for recyclable ICI and construction and demolition materials as markets become available;


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa no longer receive clean loads of recyclable dry wall (gypsum board) at its Trail Road landfill as viable recycling opportunities for this material exists in close proximity to the municipality.





Staff from several departments worked with the Councillor to develop this motion.


Planning and Growth Management’s Comments


Planning and Growth Management staff support this motion.


Infrastructure Services Comment


Infrastructure Services staff support this motion.


Environment Services Comment


Environment Service staff support this motion.





This item will be advertised in the local daily newspapers as part of the Public Meeting Advertisement on the Friday preceding the Planning and Environment Committee meeting.





There are no legal/risk management impediments to implementing any of the recommendations in this report.





Subject to Council approval of the motion, for building construction projects, additional capital costs would be marginal and would be included in the capital project.





Staff will implement the direction of Committee and Council.