TC - Motions & Directions to Staff      
Subject Meeting Date Moved by Disposition/Minutes Referred to Response Details      
Development of a Class A estimate for the rehabilitation of the Prince of Wales Bridge   4-Mar-09  C. Leadman ISCS - PGM / ISD Pending:   Motion approved at TTC Sept 1, 2009 to defer until the finalization of the Interprovincial Transit Integration Study which is expected to be completed by Q4 2011.      
DOTT Planning and EA - Recommended Plan - Direct staff to use Kent and Lyon streets as detour streets only as a last resort and that alternative detour corridors be explored for use during and after DOTT construction.  Direct staff to find, identify and include alternate ways of providing priority to transit vehicles moving from eastbound Albert to northbound Booth. Direct staff to evaluate options for including a bike route overpass over the O-Train cut at Bayview as part of the Bayview Station planning. Direct staff to explore options to ensure that there is room for the BikeWest project to safely pass the Tunney’s Pasture Station on the south side between the station and Scott St. 16-Dec-09 ISCS - RIO In Progress: This will form part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit (OLRT) project which will be released Fall 2011.      
Direction to Staff:
1 - That staff add the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, the Canada Agricultural Museum and the Canada Science and Technology Museum to OC Transpo’s outreach program.
2 - That staff report back to the May 18th Transit Commission meeting with the details of the communications plan and details on the roll out of the OC Transpo Network changes.  As well as a comprehensive implementation plan that identifies impacts on other city services.
20-Apr-11 ISCS - TS 1- Ongoing. Staff have contacted all museums.
2- Complete.
Verbal update provided on May 18, with further update in June and a final report in August.
MOTION OTC 7/6 - Staff report back prior to the implementation of route changes in September on impact studies that will be undertaken in relation to bus routes changes that would address the concerns of various groups within the City. 20-Apr-11 M. Wilkinson ISCS - TS In Progress: The Route Optimization Report speaks to the use of the Equity and Inclusion Lens in preparation for the service changes in September. At the August Commission meeting, staff will provide a brief description of the nature of the study to be conducted to assess the impact of these changes on transit customers.      
Direction to Staff:  That Transit Services staff ensure that the call stop button be placed towards the rear of the new buses and the older wheelchair accessible grab bar design be in the newer models. 18-May-11 ISCS-TS In Progress:  The new double-decker buses have not been ordered yet.  There are discussions underway to determine the specifications of the bus, which will include where call stop buttons will be placed.      
MOTION 8/2: Transit Commission direct staff to develop and bring back to the Commission, within six months and within existing financial resources, a feasibility report that deals with costs, financial benefits, and viability for the incremental expansion of the O-Train from Greenboro Station to the Leitrim Park and Ride, and to Riverside South using the existing LRT corridor. 18-May-11 D. Deans ISCS-TS/RIO In Progress: This information is scheduled to go to Transit Commission in November 2011.

Direction to Staff: That Transit Services staff report back to the Commission on an annual basis advising what special events they provided service for (e.g. Canada Day) and what revenues, if any, were generated as a result of sponsorship/partnership involvement. 15-Jun-11 ISCS-TS In Progress:  This will be provided as part of the Marketing section of the 2012 Business Plan in Q4 2011.