Report to/Rapport au :


Transportation Committee

Comité des transports


and Council / et au Conseil


22 July 2008 / le 22 juillet 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : R.G. Hewitt,

Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Public Works and Services/Services et Travaux publics 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : W.R. Newell, Director,

Infrastructure Services / Infrastructure Services/Services d’infrastructure

(613) 580-2424 x 16002,


West Carleton-March (5),

Rideau-Goulbourn (21)

Ref N°: ACS2008-PWS-INF-0010




HIGHWAY 7 Expansion from HIGHWAY 417 to Ashton Station Rd - Transfer of Service Roads to the City of Ottawa









That Transportation Committee recommend Council accept the transfer of 5 service roads being created by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation as part of the widening of Highway 7 between Highway 417 and Ashton Station Road and that the transfer take place at the time of the completion of construction.





Que le Comité des transports recommande au Conseil d’accepter le transfert de la responsabilité de 5 chemins de desserte créés par le ministère des Transports à l’occasion de l’élargissement de la route 7 entre l’autoroute 417 et le chemin Ashton Station, ce transfert devant avoir lieu à l’achèvement des travaux.





The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) is undertaking the widening of Highway 7 from 2 lanes to 4 lanes.  The limits within the City of Ottawa extend between Highway 417 and Ashton Station Road.  The widening of Highway 7 includes the construction of 5 service roads within the City of Ottawa (see attached location plan).  The widening is proceeding in 2 phases with the following resulting service roads:


Phase 1 - Highway 417 to west of Jinkinson Road - Completion June 2008


Phase 2 – west of Jinkinson Road to west of Ashton Station Road - Completion Fall 2010


With Phase 1 complete and Phase 2 underway, the Ministry is seeking a Council Resolution stating that the City of Ottawa agrees to accept the transfer of the 5 service roads at the time of completion of construction.  The Ministry will then proceed with the transfer by Order-in-Council. 





This widening project has been under consideration by the Ministry since the early 1990s.  During the Ministry’s Preliminary Design and Detail Design phases (spanning from 1993 to 2007), consultation took place with the former Township of Goulbourn and the City of Ottawa regarding the Ministry’s plans to widen Highway 7 and construct 5 service roads.  The City has supported this project and the future transfer of service roads.  To that end, the former Township of Goulbourn passed a Council Resolution in 1993 supporting the Ministry’s proposed preliminary design.   


The purpose of the new service roads is to connect properties and existing City roads that will have their accesses interrupted as a result of the widening project.  The service roads are to be constructed to City standards and paved.  The creation of the service roads will add 12.54 km to the City’s road network – 7.45 km as part of Phase 1 and 5.09 km as part of Phase 2.  When ownership has been transferred to the City, these service roads will increase operating and capital expenditures related to the maintenance of these roads.  Street naming requirements are also being addressed by the City.


There is a section of service road located between the cul-de-sac east of the Canadian Golf and County Club and Jinkinson Road that remains to be completed.  The Environmental Assessment (EA) study for this section was completed in November 2005.  The EA is currently subject to Part II Order (bump-up) request.  Discussions are ongoing between the City and MTO on funding and implementation.





This project is led by MTO and they have undertaken public consultation as part of the Highway 7 widening project.  Consultation related to this report has been limited to City departments that are impacted by the addition of the service roads.   





This report has no 2008 budget or tax implications since additional costs in 2008 will be absorbed within the current approved 2008 operating budgets for the Surface Operations and Traffic and Parking Operations Branches.


The following financial implications related to the service roads to be created as part of Phase 1 will be identified as 2009 budget pressures and will be included in the 2009 Draft Operating Budget as follows:


Additional costs of approximately $80,000 and $13,000 associated with Phase 2 service roads will be identified as 2010 budget pressures and included in the 2010 Draft Operating Budget of the Surface Operations and Traffic and Parking Operations Branches respectively.


The capital funding requirements for lifecycle renewal of these service roads will be added to the Long Range Financial Plan.





Attachment 1 – Location Plan





Public Works and Services will maintain the service roads when construction is completed and ownership has been transferred to the City.


Planning, Transit and the Environment will proceed with street name changes for the service roads.


Attachment 1

Location Plan