Report to/Rapport au:

Transportation and Transit Committee/

Comité des transports et des services de transport en commun


and Council/et au Conseil


02 July 2002 / le 02 juillet 2002


Submitted by/Soumis par: Ned Lathrop, General Manager/Directeur général

Development Services Department / Services d’aménagement


Contact/Personne-ressource: Larry Morrison, Manager, Infrastructure Approvals /

Gestionnaire, Approbation des demandes d’infrastructure

580-2424 ext. 27807













That the Transportation and Transit Committee recommend Council approve the installation of traffic control signals and modifications to the intersection of Innes Road and Provence Avenue, as described herein and subject to:


1.                  Claridge Homes, Urbandale Corporation and the City of Ottawa funding the total cost of the traffic control signal installation and intersection modifications in accordance with Council policy; and,


2.                  Executing a legal agreement with respect to the above.





Que le Comité des transports et des services de transport en commun recommande au Conseil d’approuver l’installation de feux de signalisation et les modifications requises à l’intersection du chemin Innes et de l’avenue Provence, comme il est décrit dans les présentes, sous réserve des conditions suivantes :


1.                  Claridge Homes, Urbandale Corporation et la Ville d’Ottawa financent le coût total de l’installation des feux de signalisation et des modifications requises à l’intersection, conformément à la politique du Conseil;


2.                  les parties concluent un accord juridique à cet égard





Claridge Homes and Urbandale Corporation are developing residential subdivisions north and south of Innes Road at Provence Avenue, respectively.


The City is requesting Claridge Homes and Urbandale Corporation carry out the installation of Traffic Control Signals and intersection modifications at the intersection of Innes Road and Provence Avenue.  This will mitigate the effects of increased motor vehicle activity and enhance pedestrian safety, particularly regarding the schools located north and south of Innes Road at Provence Avenue, and mobility to the surrounding street system.


The site and proposed location of the traffic control signals are shown in Document 1.




A Traffic Impact Study Update prepared by the firm of Cumming Cockburn Limited, dated April 20, 2001, for Claridge Homes, examined the traffic volumes generated by the developments.  The report determined that traffic control signals are not currently warranted at the intersection of Innes Road and Provence Avenue.  However, the developers have been requested by the City of Ottawa to install traffic control signals in 2002, to improve traffic operations and safety following development of their sites, particularly with regard to school pedestrian crossing movements across Innes Road at this location.  Document 2 identifies the modifications proposed to the intersection of Innes Road and Provence Avenue to accommodate the installation of the Traffic Control Signals and to improve school pedestrian traffic safety.  All other roadway modifications to support the development have been approved by the former City of Cumberland, and have satisfied the requirements of the Planning and Municipal Acts.


If approved, the traffic control signal installation and intersection modifications will be completed during the 2002 construction season.




Existing Conditions


Land use in the area north and south of Innes Road is predominantly residential.  Schools are located at the intersection of Provence Avenue and Valin Street north of Innes Road and at the intersection of Innes Road and Provence Avenue on the south side of Innes Road.


Innes Road is a two-lane arterial roadway, with a speed limit of 60 km/h in the vicinity of the site.


Innes Road and Provence Avenue


This is an unsignalized 4-way intersection with stop controls placed at the northbound and southbound approaches.  The existing geometry is as follows:


·        Northbound approach on Provence Avenue – A shared left/through/right lane

·        Southbound approach on Provence Avenue - A shared left/through/right lane

·        Eastbound approach on Innes Road - A shared left/through/right lane

·        Westbound approach on Innes Road - A shared left/through/right lane




Sidewalks exist in the northwest, northeast, and southwest quadrants of the existing intersection.  Existing Provence Avenue has no sidewalks north and south of Innes Road.


Pedestrian traffic accessing the École Secondaire Catholique Béatrice-Desloges is heavy in the morning and afternoon peak periods.  Also students attending Maple Ridge Elementary School north of Innes Road cross at this intersection.




Innes Road and Provence Avenue have no existing special facilities along the street to accommodate cycling, such as separate/shared lanes or signs for cycling use.


Counts carried out over a 8-hour period on May 27, 2002 at the Portobello/Innes Road intersection, indicated 14 cyclists on Innes Road, 10 travelling in the eastbound direction and 4 traveling in the westbound direction.




There are no regular transit route services on this section of Innes Road.  However, route 35 provides some transit service during peak hours on Innes Road west of Provence Avenue turning north on Provence Avenue and terminating at Maple Ridge Elementary School.




An 8-hour traffic survey carried out on May 27, 2002 indicates that, approximately 3307 vehicles eastbound and 2744 westbound travel on this section of Innes Road.  On a 24-hour projected basis, the eastbound traffic volume is 6018 vehicles and the westbound volume is 4992 vehicles.


Design Proposal


The design proposal provides for the installation of traffic control signals and the construction of the following intersection modifications:


·        Eastbound and westbound left-turn auxiliary lanes on Innes Road

·        Relocation of Provence Avenue westwards by approximately 10 metres, as indicated on the approved site plan.

·        Bicycle lanes on the eastbound and westbound approaches to the intersection extending approximately 160 metres from the intersection centre line.

·        Installation of traffic control signals.

·        Shared left/right/through lanes on the Provence Avenue northbound and southbound approaches.




The pedestrian crossings at Innes Road and Provence Avenue will be controlled by push buttons that actuate an audible pedestrian phase in the traffic control signal cycle.  Drop curbs at both intersections will be constructed in all quadrants and will define the pedestrian crossing.




Exclusive bicycle lanes will be provided on each of the eastbound and westbound approaches to the intersection, extending approximately 160 metres from the Provence Avenue centre line.




Existing transit provision will not be changed by the proposed intersection modifications.




The traffic control signals and intersection modifications will improve the efficiency of the intersection by mitigating the effects of increased motor vehicle activity due to traffic growth on Innes Road and enhance school pedestrian traffic safety and mobility across Innes Road.




The guiding principle from the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is the provision of a modal hierarchy with the emphasis on walking, cycling and transit usage.  This principle is reflected in the provision for on-road cycling facilities along the proposed widened portion of Innes Road.




Councilor McNeely, the Ward Councilor, has been involved in discussions regarding the proposed improvements to the Innes Road and Provence Avenue intersection and is fully satisfied with the proposed improvements.


Notice of the proposed Innes Road and Provence Avenue intersection modifications has been placed in Le Droit and the Citizen for four consecutive weeks.




Should Council approve the above noted traffic control signal installation and associated intersection modifications, the City will be contributing funds to the allowable works.  Funds are available in Development Charge Reserve Funds under account numbers 830053 D/C – Roads/Transport. Area 17, (CUMB), and 830057 D/C – Roads/Transport. Area 22, (CUMB).  These funds were formerly outlined in the former City of Cumberland’s development charge bylaw.  The two bordering developers on each side of Innes Road, Claridge Homes and Urbandale Corporation, will pay their share of the balance.  The City of Ottawa is requiring the installation of the Traffic Control Signals to provide safe crossing of Innes Road for students going to École Secondaire Catholique Béatrice-Desloges and Maple Ridge Elementary School.  Therefore, the City will be assuming the maintenance and operating costs of the traffic control signals in the amount of $3,500 per annum.




The preliminary cost estimate for the road modifications to Innes Road at Provence Avenue is $360,000 based on functional design details.  The estimate is provided solely for the information of the Transportation and Transit Committee and City Council.




Mobility and Area Traffic Management Division has reviewed the intersection improvements for Innes Road and Provence Avenue.




Document 1 – Key Plan

Document 2 – Design Proposal (Traffic Signals and Intersection Modifications)




Based on the approval of the traffic control signal installation, staff will be required to:


·        Approve the conditions of the legal agreement and the amount and the provision of any financial securities that pertain to the project;

·        Provide project management services; and

·        Authorize installation services.

Key Plan                                                                                                                Document 1


Design Proposal (Traffic Signals and Intersection Modifications)                              Document 2