June 20, 2002


Re. 311 Bank Street Patio Application


Mr. Fournier

City Of Ottawa


Mr. Fournier,


After examining the location of 311 Bank Street, the members of the Bicycle Parking Improvement Subcommittee have concluded that this site does not appear large enough to support a patio without causing an inconvenience to pedestrians, people with disabilities and cyclists.


Adding a patio and leaving the bike racks in the existing location would be an extra burden on cyclists as they need room to manoeuvre in and out of the racks.  This may cause conflict with other users such as pedestrians, wheelchairs, strollers, etc.  Without a proposal to replace the existing racks, moving the racks would deny cyclists of parking facilities that are close and visible to Bank Street, two characteristics that are, in our opinion, mandatory, to cyclists.  Bicycle theft has always been a concern for most cyclists and this location is an excellent spot for racks.  The style of rack, the post and ring rack, is also one that is currently favoured by our group.  They can be inexpensive to install, especially if the posts already exist (i.e. old posts from parking meters) and are effective.  They are currently being used, with success, in cities such as Toronto.


We hope that you will consider our comments in your evaluation of this application.


Thank you,



Jennifer Lowe

Chair, Bicycle Parking Improvement Subcommittee

Ottawa Cycling Advisory Committee



Reference - Item No. 11 – Transportation and Transit Committee

Agenda 28 17 July 2002


Référence – Point no 11– Comité des transports et des services de transport en commun

Ordre du jour 28 – Le 17 juillet 2002